Why we should take care of our image as Christians

“I am not here to please anybody but God.” Have you heard of this excuse? Most Christians also think we should not please anybody but God. However, how can we become witnesses if we do not take care of our image?  Taking care of what others think about us does not mean we live to… Continue reading Why we should take care of our image as Christians

The Morocco Earthquake: Natural phenomenon or a sign of End Times?

https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZeoB9FCUT1I On the night of Friday, September 8, a seismic upheaval of magnitude 6.8 suddenly unleashed its fury. Thousands of residents in the numerous villages scattered across Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains were either retiring for the evening or already lost in slumber.  As of September 11, CNN reports, “More than 2,800 people have been killed… Continue reading The Morocco Earthquake: Natural phenomenon or a sign of End Times?

The power of support: Family and community in addiction recovery

A young man emerged from rehab determined to break free from his addiction to drugs and alcohol. However, he faced profound loneliness as he returned to a world he barely recognized. Abandoned by friends and with strained family ties, he embarked on a challenging journey to sobriety. Returning home, he found unexpected warmth from his… Continue reading The power of support: Family and community in addiction recovery

Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater

Do you have a friend who is cheating on their partner? The question that weighs on your mind is this: Should you confront them about it or simply pretend it is none of your business?  As a Christian, you are likely grappling with the moral dilemma of how to handle this situation in a way… Continue reading Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater