Prayer and fasting: benefits and and in fasting

Prayer and fasting: benefits and and in fasting Posted on November 12, 2008 Updated on November 12, 2008  “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17)  READ: Acts 18: 13-16   The presence of God offers believers great possibilities. The attitude of Christians to God’s presence reveals the quality… Continue reading Prayer and fasting: benefits and and in fasting

Help! There’s the Snake! – Charlaine Martin

Protecting and Cleaning Your Spiritual House Main Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5 Secondary Passage: Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. 2 Timothy 2:21 NIV Recently, I discovered a snake, an unwelcome visitor, in my… Continue reading Help! There’s the Snake! – Charlaine Martin

The Privileged Life: Put Your Prayers to Pen and Paper—Six Tips!

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy….” (Philippians 1:3-4) It’s called the Wailing Wall, but when we visited the Jerusalem site earlier this year, our experience was remarkably quiet…a serious place for prayer. The limestone wall on the western side of the… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Put Your Prayers to Pen and Paper—Six Tips!

Thanking God For The Good And The Bad Shows Maturity In Faith

Have you found the reasons why you must keep on thanking God?. Even if you fail in life — never forget to bless his Holy name. It is just the beginning of your success and happiness. It is a divine responsibility for my fellow Christians to be grateful to the Lord irrespective of the circumstance.… Continue reading Thanking God For The Good And The Bad Shows Maturity In Faith

Need encouragement? 4 tips to stay lifted

By Elizabeth Prata A number of you have said on Facebook or have emailed me that the times are certainly troubling you, and your spirits have wilted in discouragement. I always respond that there are two sure-fire ways to stay encouraged. No, three! 1. Pray always. (1 Thessalonians 5:17).What Does it Mean to Pray Without… Continue reading Need encouragement? 4 tips to stay lifted

What are the Christian standards – Christian Personal Development

Ad: [New] Biblical Angle to Think and Grow Rich. Now you can read this book from the Christian perspective. Get you copy today at Just what are the Christian standards expected of you?  There are well documented Christian values expected of you and me. This Bible Short Report edition, How to set high Christian standards, will help… Continue reading What are the Christian standards – Christian Personal Development

How Many Times Does Jesus Say He Hates Divorce? – Divorce Minister

How many times does Jesus say that he hates divorce? This might surprise you if you’ve heard teachings on this from the pulpit. You probably have heard messages about how God hates divorce. However, well-meaning Christian leaders usually omit that this passage (Malachi 2:16) is really about using divorce to commit adultery (see more of… Continue reading How Many Times Does Jesus Say He Hates Divorce? – Divorce Minister

Lessons learnt from a breakup.

Good day beautiful people, I hope that this post meets you and your loved ones well? It’s been a very long while since I’ve shared my experience as a Christian single woman with the WordPress community and I do have some updates I’d like to fill you in on. The reason I choose to tell… Continue reading Lessons learnt from a breakup.

Believe Not Every Zeitgeist

Every era has its own prevailing narrative, mood, values, and concerns. They pivot restlessly from generation to generation, rarely settling. Like popular baby names, the sensibilities of the moment arise seemingly out of nowhere and yet exist everywhere. Our friends the Germans have gifted us the useful word “Zeitgeist” to describe this phenomenon. “Ghost of… Continue reading Believe Not Every Zeitgeist