Advent, Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 11, He was obedient

By Elizabeth Prata With today’s post, we’ve flowed through the first section of this series, in looking at verses that prophesy Jesus’ coming, His arrival, and His early life. Starting tomorrow, from Day 12-16 we will look at verses that focus on Jesus as The Son. From Day 17-26, verses will focus on the preeminence… Continue reading Advent, Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 11, He was obedient

Ruth: An awesome woman of God

The life of Ruth is a testament to absolute surrender to God. A powerful example of the highly consecrated faith life. During a great trial, she displayed excellent character (Read Ruth 1:16-18).  Be like Ruth, she loved the truth Like a pure virgin, she had the willingness to follow God wherever He took her. (Revelation 14:4,5) Foxes… Continue reading Ruth: An awesome woman of God


THE CHARACTER OF GOD: He is orderly  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Genesis 1 vs 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.… Continue reading THE CHARACTER OF GOD: He is orderly

Love And Obedience, The Basic Requirements Of God

If we asked a hundred people what they thought God required of them, we’d probably get a hundred different answers. The answer, though, always includes two words: love and obedience. Our text for today comes from the Book of Deuteronomy. But stick with me because love and obedience bring the Old Testament commands and New… Continue reading Love And Obedience, The Basic Requirements Of God

‘Thy prayer Is heard’: Lessons from the Bible story of Zacharias and Elizabeth

‘Thy prayer Is heard’: Lessons from the Bible story of Zacharias and Elizabeth Posted on November 9, 2015 Read Luke 1 vs 5 – 13 Babatope Babalobi  + 2348035897435 App for BB phones: App for Android phones/iOS: This entry was posted in Bible Characters, Character, Sermons and tagged Barreness, bible story, Bible study, Christian, deliverance prayers, elisabeth, Faith, God, Jesus, Prayers, save the world prayer blog, spiritual warfare, Success, sunday school lessons, zecharias. Republished with permission from,… Continue reading ‘Thy prayer Is heard’: Lessons from the Bible story of Zacharias and Elizabeth