Seeking Glory: 9 Quotes on Ambition, Honor and Praise – Joyfully Pressing On

“We grow small trying to be great.” E. Stanley Jones He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by persistence in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.  Romans 2:7 My Facebook posting had hit a new low. I posted mushrooms.  The few acres of forest… Continue reading Seeking Glory: 9 Quotes on Ambition, Honor and Praise – Joyfully Pressing On

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Bible It’s the kind of step that makes you want to sit down. You are about to be asked to do something that is way out of your comfort zone, and the easiest thing to do would be to say no. Back away. Avoid the risk… For me, saying “yes” rarely means that I have the confidence it… Continue reading Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Wednesday Wisdom

Bible It’s simple, really. Reading Proverbs this morning, I saw it clearly. Following God involves two simple commands: “Love My Word”, and “Live it.” Sometimes we try to complicate it, but these simple words of wisdom from Proverbs are a great reminder for us today. Study His Word.  There is nothing in this world more life-changing that… Continue reading Wednesday Wisdom

Reconciled by the Response of Obedience

This post was originally published in May 2018. –ed. The means of our reconciliation to God—the sacrificial death of Christ, the perfect forgiveness God applies to our sin—are divine works. But there is a human component that goes along with it. We bear some responsibility, too, if we are to be reconciled and redeemed. Paul hints… Continue reading Reconciled by the Response of Obedience