Jehu, King of Israel – Part 2

Queen Jezabel Being Punished by Jehuby Andrea Celesti (1637–1712) This is the second part on my study of Jehu, king of Israel. This study is divided into two parts. Part one, “Jehu, King of Israel – Part 1,” was an overview of the political and religious crises that prompted the prophetic community of the Northern… Continue reading Jehu, King of Israel – Part 2

The Fall of Jerusalem and the Book of Lamentations

The fall of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, and the deportation of the people of Judah to their exile in Babylon did not come suddenly, without a warning. Prophets like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others had been warning the people of Judah that unless they repented and turned to God, the curses of the covenant… Continue reading The Fall of Jerusalem and the Book of Lamentations

Not right to put onus onto faithful spouse! – Divorce Minister

Skip to content In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” –Matthew 3:1-2, NIV “You got to fight for your marriage!” says Christian leader. I find it odd, these days, to think how the Christian community puts “saving the marriage” on… Continue reading Not right to put onus onto faithful spouse! – Divorce Minister

The Ananias and Sapphira Story

An interesting event happened in Acts chapter 5. It relays a story to us about a man called Ananias along with his wife Sapphira. Throughout the Bible, God has revealed many devastating events. We find most of them in the Old Testament, but the New Testament has its share also.  At the end of Acts 4,… Continue reading The Ananias and Sapphira Story

In the aftermath of tragedy, we must be about the Father’s business

It seems that every day we awaken to a new tragedy. Maui fires, extreme heat, store shooting, hurricane… How can this happen, people wonder. Why does this keep happening, people wonder. It happens because of sin. Man is born a sinner, and it is only God’s common grace that retrains every man from murdering every… Continue reading In the aftermath of tragedy, we must be about the Father’s business

“Judge Not” and the Importance of Discernment – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

In this video and the following transcript, I share some thoughts: A reader asked me, “You say in a blog post that the most quoted verse these days is ‘Judge not.’ Can you give some insight into this verse? How do we know if we’re judging correctly or not?” This is a great question. Let’s look at Matthew 7:1-2: Do… Continue reading “Judge Not” and the Importance of Discernment – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

God’s Judgment and the Law (Romans 2:12-29)

The Jews are Jews not because, out of thin air, they decided to create a religion with one God and be different by circumcision. No! God’s word makes it obvious that they are chosen: recognized by blood, by tradition, and by the Law. The Jews are different because they are messengers of the truth. Physically,… Continue reading God’s Judgment and the Law (Romans 2:12-29)

God’s Righteous Judgment (Romans 2:1-11)

I woke up this morning, opened the paper, and came face-to-face with evil: Gunman kills at least 20 (18 children), charges filed against candidate scam in Florida, Southern Baptist leaders plan release of secret abusers list, and inside China people for disturbing the social order (persecuted for their faith). Reminds me that the list of… Continue reading God’s Righteous Judgment (Romans 2:1-11)