God’s Will in the Workplace (1st Peter 2:18-25)

God’s word is perfect and effective in guiding us in how to live as citizens and employees. In many ways, we are “slaves” to the workplace, and the way we work for our employer matters—it matters to God. Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men… For it is God’s will… Continue reading God’s Will in the Workplace (1st Peter 2:18-25)

3 Lessons From Autumn Leaves

You can listen to this post at the Keep On Podcast, right here. Leaves have no breath of life. They are passive props. We are the imago Dei. They have no choice but to reflect the sun’s rays. We are called to praise the Son’s name. They have no speech and still the leaves teach. In this extra-delicious… Continue reading 3 Lessons From Autumn Leaves

The Privileged Life: Unleash Your Creativity!

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19) I love fall!  We’re in peak leaf-changing season here in southern Appalachia, and the colors around us are eye-popping. Buttery-yellow tulip poplars, tomato-red maples, bright-orange serviceberry… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Unleash Your Creativity!

How does the Bible describe Weak Women? Strong Women?

By Elizabeth Prata We need godly examples of women who are strong in godly ways. These women who are strong in the right ways aren’t seen by many. This is either because the culture tries to hide them from us, or because they are truly godly, and thus are doing their work in humble, background… Continue reading How does the Bible describe Weak Women? Strong Women?

Israel in Exile

The Exile of Israel to Babylonby James Tissot (1896) The devastation of Judah caused by the Babylonian invasion and the anger and despair of the people is expressed in the book of Lamentations. When one considers the devastation caused by the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, and the deportation of the… Continue reading Israel in Exile

The Study of Ecclesiastes

Today, we continue our journey through the Bible with today’s study of Ecclesiastes. May God show us what He wants us to learn?  “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 As we study the Bible alone or… Continue reading The Study of Ecclesiastes

The Other Side of Your World

PRESS ON! “If you believe what He told you…” This was the email tagline for one of the previous Press On blogs from last month. “If you believe…” Do you believe? One of the most paradoxical personalities to me in the Bible is David. Everything I ever knew about David confirmed (if nothing else) his belief in God and his openness… Continue reading The Other Side of Your World