Child Decapitations and Abortion – Cut from the Same Cloth

This writer has been addressing the American people in one form or another for over 40 years. One disheartening matter has followed my writing, and it is a fact that took decades to see. I noticed that when I wrote about the dark sin of abortion, I got quite a few less reads than normal.… Continue reading Child Decapitations and Abortion – Cut from the Same Cloth

Can Children Be Demonized?

The question at hand is a rather unsettling one – can children be demonized? It’s a topic that might raise eyebrows and cause unease, but it’s a question we must explore in today’s culture. Let’s leave aside the sensationalism of demon possession that we often encounter in wild movies like “Rosemary’s Baby” from years gone… Continue reading Can Children Be Demonized?

To a Generation of Young Adults Who Don’t Want Kids

As I reflect on the ways God has used my life to push back against the armies of darkness, it isn’t the books I’ve written that occupy the most space on the shelves of my mind. Nor is it the Bible studies I’ve taught or mission trips I’ve taken. It’s my sons: Eli, Noble, Judah,… Continue reading To a Generation of Young Adults Who Don’t Want Kids

Parents don’t let guilt overtake you.

Good day beautiful people, I hope that this post meets you well? Today’s write-up is going to be very short, but I pray that the words in this post will be a blessing to you and your family. The Holy Spirit has encouraged me to use this post to uplift godly parents, and to remind… Continue reading Parents don’t let guilt overtake you.