Street preacher shot in head while preaching Good News (donate button inside)

By Elizabeth Prata Hans Schmidt, Outreach Director at Victory Chapel in Phoenix AZ, was preaching about an upcoming service at his church. The former military combat medic was standing with a megaphone on a busy street corner, a frequent activity in which he engaged, when police received reports a man had been assaulted. Initially unaware that… Continue reading Street preacher shot in head while preaching Good News (donate button inside)

The Gospel in a Hostile World

Persecution may be a foreign experience for most of us, but it has been the norm for most Christians throughout church history. In a culture that seems increasingly hostile to the biblical worldview, we should not fear or panic. We can find the joy, comfort, and courage that God has provided for us in His… Continue reading The Gospel in a Hostile World

Five Examples of How Persecution in Iran Has Backfired, and Grown – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Today’s guest blog is from David Yeghnazar, the executive director for Elam Ministries. EPM has had the privilege of supporting Elam, which exists to strengthen and expand the church in the Iran region and beyond. With all of the bad news we hear out of the Middle East, it’s easy to overlook how God is at… Continue reading Five Examples of How Persecution in Iran Has Backfired, and Grown – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries