Pleading / How To Pray Powerful Prayers – Charles Spurgeon Sermon

A Sermon Delivered On Sunday Morning, October 29, 1871, By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. 8/20/2011*8/20/2011 “But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: Thou art my help and my deliverer; O Lord, make no tarrying.”—Psalm 70:5      Young painters were anxious, in olden times, to study… Continue reading Pleading / How To Pray Powerful Prayers – Charles Spurgeon Sermon

What is The Purpose of Prayer? John MacArthur

Take your Bible if you will this morning and look with me at Matthew chapter 6.  We’re going to be beginning a study of the disciples’ prayer in Matthew 6:9-15.  Really the prayer it goes through verse 13, and verse 14 and 15 are an addendum to the prayer to explain an element of it.  But this is going to be… Continue reading What is The Purpose of Prayer? John MacArthur

What are place, time, and circumstance of Prayer?

Place While no restriction is suggested at any period (cf. e.g.  Genesis 24:12-13, Jonah 2:1, Psalms 42:6; Psalms 61:2, Daniel 6:10, Luke 6:12, Acts 16:24-25; Acts 21:6 ), and is disclaimed by Christ in view of true worship ( John 4:21-23 ), yet naturally specific worship-centers were regarded as appropriate: thus in early times Shiloh, where the ark rested (… Continue reading What are place, time, and circumstance of Prayer?

What are the different kinds of prayer?

1. Ejaculatory, by which the mind is directed to God on any emergency. It is derived from the word ejaculor, or dart or shoot out suddenly, and is therefore appropriate to describe this kind of prayer, which is made up of short sentences spontaneously springing from the mind. The Scriptures afford us many instances of ejaculatory prayer,… Continue reading What are the different kinds of prayer?

Prayers in the New Testament

I. Example and teaching of Jesus Christ The special character of the Fourth Gospel should be remembered. Of the Synoptics, Luke is specially instructive as to prayer (cf. Acts also). 1. Christ’s example 2. Christ’s teaching The range of prayer is chiefly for spiritual blessing (cf. Lord’s Prayer, and esp. Matthew 6:33), but not exclusively so (‘daily… Continue reading Prayers in the New Testament