New Jerusalem: Out of Heaven to Earth

In Revelation 21:2 John tells us, “I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven.” He repeats this in verse 10. Revelation 21:1 says that the new creation is composed of “a new heaven and a new earth.” Since New Jerusalem comes “out of heaven” it must be on earth. We need to hold to… Continue reading New Jerusalem: Out of Heaven to Earth

Broken Down Walls – Ephesians 2:11-22

Ephesians 2:11-22 Ephesians, an epistle, addressed to Ephesus—a church cherished by Paul, holds tremendous significance. Early church oral traditions suggest Ephesus as the birthplace of the compiled Bible, underscoring its profound importance among the seven churches in Asia. Paul’s initial discourse to the Ephesian church delves into predestination, as evident in Ephesians 1. This profound… Continue reading Broken Down Walls – Ephesians 2:11-22

The Character of God: God wants perfection

The Character of God: God wants perfection  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Genesis 17 vs 1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Join… Continue reading The Character of God: God wants perfection

What Is God’s Common Grace? – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Common grace is one of my very favorite doctrines. I so love it and wish it were better understood and more often celebrated. “Common grace” points out that God loves the whole world, and exercises patience and kindness even to those who ultimately reject Him. In his excellent book Bible Doctrine, Wayne Grudem says, “Common grace is… Continue reading What Is God’s Common Grace? – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Destination RESToration: Restored Communion with God

This is part four of Destination RESToration. If you have not read the first three segments, I encourage you to do so before you move on to this section. Destination RESToration, DR Restored to Our Original Purpose, DR Preparing for Restoration. Why do we need restoration in our communion with?  Sin  Because we are walking in the flesh… Continue reading Destination RESToration: Restored Communion with God

Destination RESToration: Preparation for Restoration

This is part three of Destination RESToration. If you have not read the first two segments, I encourage you to do so before you move on to this section. Destination RESToration, DR Restored to Our Original Purpose Any good restoration project needs to have a plan, preparation, the right equipment and protective gear, and you must read… Continue reading Destination RESToration: Preparation for Restoration

Israel in Babylon (Isaiah 52:4)

Judean Captives by King Sennacheric of Assyria A few days ago, a reader asked me to explain Isaiah 52:4 in relation to Exodus 1:8. The issue in question is the oppression of Israel by both Egypt and Assyria. The reader writes that after reading commentaries on Isaiah 52:4, “I am really still not satisfied with the explanations I am… Continue reading Israel in Babylon (Isaiah 52:4)

Moses Interceded For Israel With Great Results

What do we mean when we say that Moses interceded for Israel? Spiritual intercession means intervening on behalf of another person to the Lord through prayer. Here in Exodus, God showed us what it looks like when one intercedes for someone else. When Moses interceded for Israel, he found himself literally standing between them and… Continue reading Moses Interceded For Israel With Great Results

Israel in Exile

The Exile of Israel to Babylonby James Tissot (1896) The devastation of Judah caused by the Babylonian invasion and the anger and despair of the people is expressed in the book of Lamentations. When one considers the devastation caused by the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, and the deportation of the… Continue reading Israel in Exile