Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 2

By Elizabeth Prata I’m often asked discernment questions, which pleases me because that means a woman is thinking about her faith, wants the truth of the Bible, and pursues holiness in her walk. I was recently asked ‘Are false teachers and heretics the same thing, and can they repent? Should we pray for them?’ In… Continue reading Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 2

Tales of the Nevi’im – Malachi

The Tales of the Nevi’im are the Stories of the Prophets. In Hebrew navi (nah-vee’) means prophet and the plural, prophets, is nevi’im (neh-vee-eem’). Israel had many prophets, some of whom we know from the Old Testament, others are lost to us in history. Many of Israel’s prophets spoke to the people but didn’t write… Continue reading Tales of the Nevi’im – Malachi

Jonah: The Rogue Prophet

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. The sea is no place to go for peace and quiet. Modern meteorology has documented the destructive power rogue waves, tropical cyclones, microbursts, and other weather phenomena that pose unique threats to ships at sea. But the storm described in the first chapter of Jonah was… Continue reading Jonah: The Rogue Prophet