How scripture shapes and sustains Christian lives?

An open book. (Photo by Tim Wildsmith from Unsplash) Scripture, the sacred text of Christianity, plays an indelible role in the lives of believers. It has been a guiding light and a steadfast anchor for centuries, shaping countless Christians’ faith, values, and actions worldwide. In this article, we delve into the profound impact of Scripture… Continue reading How scripture shapes and sustains Christian lives?

What are the 95 Theses of the Reformation?

Reformation Day is just around the corner (October 31st)! In light of that, my goal with this article is to explore what sparked the Reformation and what we can learn of Martin Luther’s theology in his writing of the “95 Theses”. The 95 Theses is often believed to be a long list of grievances Luther… Continue reading What are the 95 Theses of the Reformation?

The Illustration of Righteousness (Romans 4:1-25)

Faith is something every Sister Disciple should give a second thought. In Habakkuk 2:4 it reads … the righteous will live by his faith. In chapter 4 of Romans, Paul gives us a clear picture of one man’s faith and how that faith is our greatest example of assurance, undoubtedly. Such faith marks a believer’s maturity. Isaiah 7:9b reads … If… Continue reading The Illustration of Righteousness (Romans 4:1-25)

Romans Chapter 3—The Guilty World Faces a Righteous God

We’ve spent a lot of time digging deep into Romans one and two, and we’re richer for it. We understand clearer the Gospel, living by faith, the depravity of humankind, and God’s righteous judgment. Last week, our primary focus was on the Jewish violation of the law and the truth about the circumcision of the… Continue reading Romans Chapter 3—The Guilty World Faces a Righteous God