26 Awesome Bible Quotes About Beauty

By looking through the scriptures, you can see how God’s creation is blessed with beautiful things ranging from humans, animals, tress, cities and more. Several Bible quotes about beauty reveal the differences. This earth is full of beautiful things. However, the word ‘beauty’ differs from individual perspective. God also sees beauty in a way that is far… Continue reading 26 Awesome Bible Quotes About Beauty

Attitude Check: Are Our Prayers Selfish? (1 Sam 3.17)

“May God do so to you and more also, if you hide anything from me of all that he told you.”1 Samuel 3.17 Background In the last passage, we read of Samuel’s birth and his mother’s vow to dedicate him to God. When he was old enough, he went to live with the prophet Eli… Continue reading Attitude Check: Are Our Prayers Selfish? (1 Sam 3.17)

Make It As Secure As You Can

I have taught for decades, and still maintain, that the resurrection of Jesus is the central truth of the Christian faith. Without the resurrection, we have nothing. It is the hub around which every other doctrine rotates. The resurrection is the key. It is the victory over death. The next day, that is, after the… Continue reading Make It As Secure As You Can

Rebuked by Blessing

Have you ever been rebuked by bananas? Probably not. But Darlene Deibler was.  A young missionary wife ministering to the people of New Guinea in the late nineteen-thirties and early forties, Darlene and her husband continued their ministry though war had broken out across the globe. Eventually Japan took control of the island, and the… Continue reading Rebuked by Blessing

Controlling the Chaos of the Holiday Season – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Stress studies show that a sense of control is essential to mental health. Those who survive captivity with the fewest mental scars are those who maintain as much control as possible even when so much is out of their control. They may treat their cell as a home, rearrange the “furniture,” save food and share… Continue reading Controlling the Chaos of the Holiday Season – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

How Can Being Mindful Help Us in Suffering? — Vaneetha Risner

At a recent doctor’s appointment, the check-in staff handed me a neon yellow wristband labeled “FALL RISK” that I had to wear all morning in the clinic. I’d fallen months earlier, and this was designed to remind others to be careful around me.  But instead of reminding others, everyone I saw reminded me to be… Continue reading How Can Being Mindful Help Us in Suffering? — Vaneetha Risner

Leave Room for the Wrath: Hold Fast to Patience – Lin Wilder

Leave room for the wrath Bless those who persecute[you], bless and do notcurse them. If possible, on your part, live at peace withall. Beloved, do not look for revenge but leave room forthe wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I willrepay, says the Lord.” Rather, “if your enemy is hungry,feed him; if he… Continue reading Leave Room for the Wrath: Hold Fast to Patience – Lin Wilder

50 Inspiring quotes to believe in a miracle

Golden Hour. (Photo by Mat Brown from Pexels)Have you ever felt like you needed a little extra faith to see the extraordinary in the everyday? In our lives, moments come when hope seems distant, and the possibility of miracles feels far away. Yet, history and faith tell us that miracles are not just tales of… Continue reading 50 Inspiring quotes to believe in a miracle

What’s the difference between trials and consequences?

A woman feeling confused. (Photo by Monstera Production from Pexels)Have you ever considered whether you are under trial or facing the consequences of your decisions in life?  Some of us think that whenever we face hardships in life, it is all about God testing our faith, yet most of the time, God wants us to… Continue reading What’s the difference between trials and consequences?

Dealing with Idols

In Exodus 20, Moses spoke to the Israelites about the danger and consequences of idol worship or idolatry. He was sharing God’s instructions to them from the Ten Commandments. The first statement from God, concerned his relationship with his people. He brought them out of Egypt and they were to serve no other gods but him.… Continue reading Dealing with Idols