The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Much hand-wringing and consternation occurs among Christ-followers who are frustrated with and taken aback by the worldliness of the world with its flaunting and glorification of sin. “Why can’t they see?” is the unspoken question that drives many to work harder, to argue longer, and allow the anxiety to build within them. The fruit will… Continue reading The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

You Can’t Bubble Wrap Your Boy: And That’s a Good Thing!

Our family has a motto: “All five to keep him alive.” Ezra is the reason that motto exists. The baby of four brothers, Ezra was born without a risk regulator. He was not quite two the first time he ran away from home. We found him in a neighbor’s field, riding his red plastic motorcycle.… Continue reading You Can’t Bubble Wrap Your Boy: And That’s a Good Thing!

Few Things Are More Dangerous Than the Quest for Cultural Acceptance – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Note from Randy: Something is seriously wrong when Christians crave cultural popularity and acceptance. That’s why I greatly appreciated the points made in this article by Brett McCracken, a senior editor and director of communications at The Gospel Coalition. May it remind us that God is the one we should seek to please and glorify. So by all means,… Continue reading Few Things Are More Dangerous Than the Quest for Cultural Acceptance – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Halloween and the Encounters with the Unholy – Charlaine Martin

Unmasking spiritual forces working in the background and waging war on them in the Name of Jesus. Have you ever felt the hair rise up on the back of your neck and experienced a horrible sense of dread you couldn’t wait to escape from, but you didn’t know why? This season is filled with horror,… Continue reading Halloween and the Encounters with the Unholy – Charlaine Martin

Halloween in Exile – Emmanuel Baptist Church

It’s October 31, and I had a conversation with someone today about whether Christians should celebrate Halloween. More specifically, we were discussing the ways that Christians tend to argue their case for or against our involvement in the candied festivities. It seems like most of the Christians we know don’t deny that the holiday has… Continue reading Halloween in Exile – Emmanuel Baptist Church

Is there a scriptural basis for discernment? Part 2

By Elizabeth Prata Part 1 here: Why are there so many false pastors? In these biblically illiterate days, many people focus their anger on the person calling out false teachers. They become angry with those who are warning against false doctrines or movements. Discernment is important! But, is there a scriptural basis for discernment activity, such… Continue reading Is there a scriptural basis for discernment? Part 2

Can Children Be Demonized?

The question at hand is a rather unsettling one – can children be demonized? It’s a topic that might raise eyebrows and cause unease, but it’s a question we must explore in today’s culture. Let’s leave aside the sensationalism of demon possession that we often encounter in wild movies like “Rosemary’s Baby” from years gone… Continue reading Can Children Be Demonized?

The Privileged Life: Celebrate What’s Most Important

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” (Philippians 4:8) There’s an ongoing spiritual battle for our souls—old as the Bible, new as this week’s sales flyers and displays at big-chain megastores. You could almost call… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Celebrate What’s Most Important