THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God breaks unfaithful relationship

THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God breaks unfaithful relationship  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Genesis 3 vs 24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep… Continue reading THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God breaks unfaithful relationship

Stop saying God said…when He didn’t say.

Hey beautiful people, I hope that this post meets you and your family well? …Have you ever overheard the phrase ‘God told me’ or better yet has someone specifically mentioned the words ‘God told me that you’re my wife’ or maybe ‘God told me that you’re my husband’. If so, keep on reading because I… Continue reading Stop saying God said…when He didn’t say.

The Thief who cheated Death

Something transformational took place with one of the crucified robbers during that very first Good Friday. A radical change of heart unmistakably occurred in this person because a few moments earlier the gospel of Matthew records that the two criminals who were crucified beside Jesus were both bad-mouthing Him. Hostile towards ChristMatthew 27:44 (NIV)And the… Continue reading The Thief who cheated Death

Taming the Tongue — Carol McLeod Ministries

Has your tongue ever gotten the best of you?!   What a perfectly ridiculous question!!  Of course, it has! Do you ever wish you could hit the “rewind” button on words that you have thoughtlessly spoken? Of course, you have! If you are still living and breathing … and are still interacting with people both large… Continue reading Taming the Tongue — Carol McLeod Ministries

Is animal euthanasia a godly act of mercy

A puppy on a thick fabric. (Photo by Markus Winkler from Unsplash) Is animal euthanasia considered a godly act of mercy by some religious beliefs? Animal euthanasia, commonly known as the humane and compassionate act of ending an animal’s life to relieve suffering, is a complex subject that touches the lives of countless pet owners,… Continue reading Is animal euthanasia a godly act of mercy

What the Bible says about mercy killing

White pillow case on the bed. (Photo by Bret Kavanaugh from Unsplash) Why is mercy killing such a divisive topic? Now, unless you have been living under a proverbial rock, you have likely heard arguments about the moral and ethical dimensions of mercy killing or euthanasia. It is that contentious area where medical ethics collide… Continue reading What the Bible says about mercy killing

How Christians should deal with debt

A person calculating his money. (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)Managing debt can pose significant challenges, often leading to persistent stress and worry, particularly for those who follow the Christian faith, who may also question God’s perspective on their financial struggles. The Bible does talk a lot about money and how we should handle it.… Continue reading How Christians should deal with debt

The Bible’s take on Booze: A critical analysis of alcohol today

A poster of Oktoberfest. (Photo from Oktoberfest is an annual festival in Germany known for its contrasting character. On one end, it’s a traditional celebration with rich cultural significance. However, on the opposite extreme, it transforms into a fierce, debaucherous drinking extravaganza, attracting a staggering 6.3 million visitors yearly. This wild revelry resulted in… Continue reading The Bible’s take on Booze: A critical analysis of alcohol today