How Christians should view Halloween

Halloween cookies. (Photo by Monstera Production from Pexels)As autumn leaves start to fall and pumpkins appear on doorsteps, Halloween often becomes a point of discussion within Christian communities. For some, it’s a time for harmless fun filled with costumes and candy.  For others, it carries a spiritual weight that cannot be easily dismissed. How should… Continue reading How Christians should view Halloween

Live in the moment: How to let go of social media obsession

In today’s fast-paced world, social media has woven itself into the very fabric of your daily life. Escaping its reach and influence is a challenging task. You might not have noticed it at first, but it quietly tugs you away from the precious moments right in front of you.  This article is here to help… Continue reading Live in the moment: How to let go of social media obsession

Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 2

By Elizabeth Prata I’m often asked discernment questions, which pleases me because that means a woman is thinking about her faith, wants the truth of the Bible, and pursues holiness in her walk. I was recently asked ‘Are false teachers and heretics the same thing, and can they repent? Should we pray for them?’ In… Continue reading Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 2

Heresy and false doctrine part 3: Can they repent? Will they repent?

By Elizabeth Prata Heresy vs False Doctrine: What are they? Part 1Heresy vs False Doctrine: What are they? Part 2 In part 1 I looked at definitions of false doctrine and heresy and whether they were two sides of the same coin, or totally different theological issues. In Part 2 I looked at heresy and… Continue reading Heresy and false doctrine part 3: Can they repent? Will they repent?

Why I Stand by the Nation of Israel and the Jewish People

Pull the camera back on what is happening in Israel. This is not about Palestine or the Palestinian people. This is even bigger than Hamas and Israel. Plain and simple, this is about the hatred of the Jewish people.  Jewish Hate and God’s Intervention Throughout History This goes back centuries. Egypt wanted to destroy the Jews… Continue reading Why I Stand by the Nation of Israel and the Jewish People

Satan can snatch away the seed from the hard ground – but how?

By Elizabeth Prata In one of Jesus’ parables, we read, When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. (Matthew 13:19). In the beginning parts of the parable, Jesus had… Continue reading Satan can snatch away the seed from the hard ground – but how?

A Near Drowning – A Lesson In Male Leadership & Female Submission

I almost got swept away by strong river currents last week. As I reflected on the moment, the Lord dropped a bombshell on me about men’s roles as leaders and women’s submissiveness that I’d like to share with you. But first, let me share the story of my near drowning. My friend and I visited… Continue reading A Near Drowning – A Lesson In Male Leadership & Female Submission

Lessons From James on Prayer

In the closing verses of the New Testament book of James, we are given specific and practical areas in which prayer is important. Pray When Trouble Comes First, James tells us we should pray when we’re afflicted: “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. . .” (James 5:13 NIV). When we find ourselves in… Continue reading Lessons From James on Prayer