Why we should take care of our image as Christians

“I am not here to please anybody but God.” Have you heard of this excuse? Most Christians also think we should not please anybody but God. However, how can we become witnesses if we do not take care of our image?  Taking care of what others think about us does not mean we live to… Continue reading Why we should take care of our image as Christians

Why we should not trust our emotions

Have you ever made a snap decision based on how you felt in the heat of the moment, only to regret it later?  Our emotions are powerful and can steer us in good and bad directions.  Although emotions are a gift from God, they make life colorful and meaningful. But should we trust them unquestioningly?… Continue reading Why we should not trust our emotions

Language that hides or softens sin is lies

By Elizabeth Prata The declaration of the fact we are sinners is rare these days. I’ve become saddened that so many people refuse to see that they are indeed wretched sinners, in need of a savior. The mere mention of the fact that we sin is enough these days to engender a harsh reaction, even… Continue reading Language that hides or softens sin is lies

Blessings and curses: Why should Christians stop the habit of swearing

Have you ever, at some point in your life, uttered a swear word?  Whether it was during your innocent childhood, your rebellious teenage years, or even now, in the hustle and bustle of adulthood, the chances are that you’ve encountered profanity in one form or another.  In today’s society, swearing seems to have lost much… Continue reading Blessings and curses: Why should Christians stop the habit of swearing

The Privileged Life: “Fire Extinguishers” for Our Tongues

“See how great a forest a little fire kindles!Andthe tongueisa fire, a world ofiniquity.” (James 3:5b-6a) Wildfires are terrifying and tragic. No one yet knows for certain the origin of the horrific fires earlier this month in Lahaina, Maui.* Drought and windy weather set the perfect stage for a small spark to turn into a… Continue reading The Privileged Life: “Fire Extinguishers” for Our Tongues

Preparing for the Lord on Turning Mountains into Molehills

I see social media accounts exploding with the message of preparing for the return of our Lord. And many people think that God’s return will happen very soon because of our world’s spiraling sin and evil. As a result, some people feel a sense of panic and fear in the turmoil of our world. I… Continue reading Preparing for the Lord on Turning Mountains into Molehills