Preparing for the Lord on Turning Mountains into Molehills

I see social media accounts exploding with the message of preparing for the return of our Lord. And many people think that God’s return will happen very soon because of our world’s spiraling sin and evil. As a result, some people feel a sense of panic and fear in the turmoil of our world. I… Continue reading Preparing for the Lord on Turning Mountains into Molehills

Why My Daily Devotional Time Isn’t Optional Anymore

Daily Devotional Time. The Real Me “I can’t believe you can’t tie your own shoes,” I grumbled impatiently as I tied my kindergartener’s shoes.  “You are plenty old enough to be doing this by yourself.” I finished, glaring at him as I stood up.   “Nolan, don’t just stand in front of the mirror. Brush your… Continue reading Why My Daily Devotional Time Isn’t Optional Anymore

Preach the Word: Because It Is Timeless and Powerful

This post was first published in January, 2014. —ed. A primary reason I still preach the Bible is that it alone is God’s eternal and divinely empowered message. Thus it is both timeless and truly powerful. More than four decades of ministry (or any finite number for that matter) could never begin to exhaust its freshness and richness, its depth… Continue reading Preach the Word: Because It Is Timeless and Powerful

Is Timing Everything? What the Bible says About Timing our Words

When I think about timing I always think about romantic comedies. The creators of romantic comedies know exactly how to perfectly tease out the timing to the couple finally falling in love at the end. But we are on the edge of our seats while we watch with our popcorn knowing that the guy loves the girl… Continue reading Is Timing Everything? What the Bible says About Timing our Words