The Fall of Jerusalem and the Book of Lamentations

The fall of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, and the deportation of the people of Judah to their exile in Babylon did not come suddenly, without a warning. Prophets like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others had been warning the people of Judah that unless they repented and turned to God, the curses of the covenant… Continue reading The Fall of Jerusalem and the Book of Lamentations

Your Hur? Your Aaron? – Divorce Minister

 Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. –Exodus 17:12b, NIV This verse comes from a story about a battle where the Israelites were winning as long as Moses kept his arms raised. Obviously, Moses’ arms got weary. When he grew tired,… Continue reading Your Hur? Your Aaron? – Divorce Minister

Satan can snatch away the seed from the hard ground – but how?

By Elizabeth Prata In one of Jesus’ parables, we read, When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. (Matthew 13:19). In the beginning parts of the parable, Jesus had… Continue reading Satan can snatch away the seed from the hard ground – but how?

On “Root of Bitterness” – Divorce Minister

See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. –Hebrews 12:15, NIV In order to avoid the discomfort of facing injustice and naming it as such, some Christians turn on faithful spouses calling them “bitter.” They are too… Continue reading On “Root of Bitterness” – Divorce Minister

Are Body Image Issues a Type of Spiritual Warfare?

In today’s episode, we continue discussing the existence of evil and the spiritual battles we face daily including our battle with body image issues. As believers, Heather stresses the importance of surrendering control to God and relying on His divine protection and using our authority in the name of Jesus to tell the enemy to flee. Throughout… Continue reading Are Body Image Issues a Type of Spiritual Warfare?

Devotional: Why, O Lord? — Nicole O’Meara

Friday playgroups were the highlight of my week. Megan was sure to have us belly laughing over her latest Boy Mom story: Boys watching cartoons naked on the couch, or peeing on each other, or dipping living room decorations in ketchup.⁠⁠Last week, after years of battling mental and physical illness, my funny friend died and… Continue reading Devotional: Why, O Lord? — Nicole O’Meara

Why we should not trust our emotions

Have you ever made a snap decision based on how you felt in the heat of the moment, only to regret it later?  Our emotions are powerful and can steer us in good and bad directions.  Although emotions are a gift from God, they make life colorful and meaningful. But should we trust them unquestioningly?… Continue reading Why we should not trust our emotions

From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith

How far along are you in your spiritual journey?  Are you a new Christian, just embarking on the path of faith, or are you one of those who grew up in the church, accepting salvation at a young age?  Regardless of where you stand, you may have encountered something that has made you question your… Continue reading From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith

30 Quotes to empower people with silent battles

Not all people are vocal about their sufferings. Some people choose to fight their battles silently because they are afraid of the judgments of others.  It could be challenging to win the battles silently, but it could make you strong and courageous. Those who choose to fight the battles without the world knowing what they… Continue reading 30 Quotes to empower people with silent battles

Wrestling with Fear of the Unknown — Vaneetha Risner

What do you do when you feel anxious or afraid? Ask a friend for advice? Roll over everything endlessly in your head? Try to distract yourself? Or do you go immediately to God? I’m learning to do the latter but it’s still not instinctive. I’ve been dealing with multiple unrelated health issues, some of which… Continue reading Wrestling with Fear of the Unknown — Vaneetha Risner