Your suffering is for a testimony.

Your suffering is for a testimony.  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Luke 21 vs 13  And it shall turn to you for a testimony. Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Your suffering is for a testimony.

Why crying is ok in times of hardship

An image of a man crying. (Photo by Tom Pumford from Unsplash) Throughout history, many have frowned upon public displays of emotion, particularly crying. There exists a societal stigma that suggests that shedding tears, especially in challenging times, is a sign of weakness or instability.  You might have even heard phrases like “hold it together”… Continue reading Why crying is ok in times of hardship

Finding Grace in Suffering (Exodus 15:22-27)

Despite the abundance of material wealth and goods we have in America, discontentment is a major temptation for God’s people. We know we should be thankful, but we can’t seem to shake the temptation to want things to be more comfortable, less difficult, and better suited to our desires. Grumbling is so common in America,… Continue reading Finding Grace in Suffering (Exodus 15:22-27)

Are Body Image Issues a Type of Spiritual Warfare?

In today’s episode, we continue discussing the existence of evil and the spiritual battles we face daily including our battle with body image issues. As believers, Heather stresses the importance of surrendering control to God and relying on His divine protection and using our authority in the name of Jesus to tell the enemy to flee. Throughout… Continue reading Are Body Image Issues a Type of Spiritual Warfare?

5 Purposes for Your Suffering — Nicole O’Meara

Have you ever uttered these words (kindly or not): Years ago, I made a personal decision to stop asking, “Why me?”   Like it or not, the answer was and will always be, “Why not you?”  In a world broken by sin, nothing makes any of us immune to suffering.  The Bible makes it crystal clear in John… Continue reading 5 Purposes for Your Suffering — Nicole O’Meara

Suffering is Perplexing — Nicole O’Meara

I regretted not grabbing a thicker sweater the second goosebumps rose on my arms and my body began to shake. Chris draped his jacket over my shoulders, then moved strategically to block the chill wind. The temperature dipped with the sun’s last rays. At just the right moment, my sister, our photographer, shouted and we all… Continue reading Suffering is Perplexing — Nicole O’Meara

Storms of Suffering Reveal the Strength of Your Foundation — Nicole O’Meara

A recently crochet project taught me the importance of stitching the Foundation Row correctly. Not close, but exactly right. I was making a beanie and tried to fudge the first row, the Foundation Row. The error in my Foundation Row grew until, by the end of the project, I didn’t have a beanie, I had… Continue reading Storms of Suffering Reveal the Strength of Your Foundation — Nicole O’Meara

Increasing Awareness of God’s Presence Through Prayer – Serenity in Suffering

We are all familiar with the truth of God’s Presence with us through the Holy Spirit. But how many of us truly experience His Presence throughout our days? Personally, I enjoy a robust quiet time early in the morning, which then continues during my drive to work. During this time I sense the Lord’s Presence… Continue reading Increasing Awareness of God’s Presence Through Prayer – Serenity in Suffering

Stop Settling for Pain and Misery. Choose Love!

There are still people out there who show love, kindness and generosity to others. Their light seems more and more bright as the rest of the world becomes darker. We live in a world where plenty others operate out of hatred. This post will address what I am seeing around me- increasing hate against women… Continue reading Stop Settling for Pain and Misery. Choose Love!