Next generation of leaders: How to mentor the youth

In today’s ever-changing world, the landscape of leadership is shifting before our eyes.  As a Christian reader, you understand the importance of guiding the next generation of leaders in the path of righteousness and wisdom.  In this article, we will provide you with essential insights and guidance on how to mentor the youth, helping them… Continue reading Next generation of leaders: How to mentor the youth

5 Simple Ways to Teach Faith to Your Children

Nothing strikes more fear in the heart of a Christian mother than to hear statistics about how many young people have turned their backs on God. We love God, and we want our children to love Him too. We understand the heartbreak of life and the terror of a Godless eternity so we yearn for… Continue reading 5 Simple Ways to Teach Faith to Your Children

The Seismic Shift in Christ’s Teaching

This post was first published in August, 2017. —ed. One very busy day near the end of Jesus’ second year of public ministry, the whole character of His teaching changed. The continual rejection of His teaching by hostile Pharisees triggered a massive and sudden shift. He stopped preaching straightforward sermons peppered with key prophetic texts… Continue reading The Seismic Shift in Christ’s Teaching