Matthew 5:9 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of Bringing Men Together

Matthew 5:9 NIVBlessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. We must begin our study of this beatitude by investigating certain matters of meaning in it. (i) First, there is the word peace. In Greek, the word is eirene ( Greek #1515 ), and in Hebrew it is shalom ( Hebrew #7965 ). In Hebrew… Continue reading Matthew 5:9 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of Bringing Men Together

Matthew 5:8 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The Clean Heart

Matthew 5:8 NIVBlessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Here is the beatitude which demands that every man who reads it should stop, and think, and examine himself. The Greek word for pure is katharos ( Greek #2513 ), and it has a variety of usages, all of which have something to add… Continue reading Matthew 5:8 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The Clean Heart

Matthew 5:6 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The Starving Spirit

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. – Matthew 5:6 NIV Words do not exist in isolation; they exist against a background of experience and of thought; and the meaning of any word is conditioned by the background of the person who speaks it. That is particularly true… Continue reading Matthew 5:6 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The Starving Spirit

Matthew 5:5 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The God-controlled Life

Matthew 5:5 NIVBlessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. In our modern English idiom the word meek is hardly one of the honourable words of life. Nowadays it carries with it an idea of spinelessness, and subservience, and mean-spiritedness. It paints the picture of a submissive and ineffective creature. But it so… Continue reading Matthew 5:5 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The God-controlled Life

Matthew 5:4 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The Broken Heart

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. – Matthew 5:4 NIV It is first of all to be noted about this beatitude that the Greek word for to mourn, used here, is the strongest word for mourning in the Greek language. It is the word which is used for mourning for the… Continue reading Matthew 5:4 Bible Study Guide: The Bliss Of The Broken Heart