His incomparable riches of grace, plus recommendations for books on grace

By Elizabeth Prata Scroll to bottom after photo for mini-library suggestions of books on grace. What are these incomparable riches of God’s grace? First, Christ Jesus. “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with… Continue reading His incomparable riches of grace, plus recommendations for books on grace

25 Quotes about loving difficult people

Difficult people are everywhere, whether at work, home, school, or church. Since we live in a broken, sin-filled world, we cannot help but encounter or be with someone who is challenging to love or to be with. We could also be difficult people; others may find us challenging to love. However, loving people who are… Continue reading 25 Quotes about loving difficult people