3 Commands Found in the Will of God

Followers of Christ desire to obey the will of God. But what does that include? Let’s turn to I Thessalonians in Scripture to discover 3 commands that are a component of God’s will. “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”1… Continue reading 3 Commands Found in the Will of God

Praying to the dead in heaven for intercession?

By Elizabeth Prata Catholic believers pray to Mary. They think that since Jesus can’t resist His mother, that if they pray to Mary, whop passes it to her son, their prayers get more oomph. In addition, they have been told that Mary’s conception was immaculate, and therefore she is without sin, and is co-redeemer with… Continue reading Praying to the dead in heaven for intercession?

New Jerusalem Has the Appearance of God 43-1-4

In Revelation 4:3 “He who was sitting [on the throne] was like a jasper stone” and in 21:11 New Jerusalem’s “light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone.” The whole of New Jerusalem has the same appearance as God who sits on the throne at the center of the city. God’s goal, His eternal… Continue reading New Jerusalem Has the Appearance of God 43-1-4

It is finished – Spark of His Glory

The soldiers heard him yell, “it is finished”. And then, he gave up the ghost. The light of the world was dead. Darkness ensued. Heavens looked away. Hell slides into celebration mode. Demons in hell hugged and kissed. The devil popped champagne with his horde. Christ was finished, they announced. The disciple he loved could… Continue reading It is finished – Spark of His Glory