The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Much hand-wringing and consternation occurs among Christ-followers who are frustrated with and taken aback by the worldliness of the world with its flaunting and glorification of sin. “Why can’t they see?” is the unspoken question that drives many to work harder, to argue longer, and allow the anxiety to build within them. The fruit will… Continue reading The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Is there a scriptural basis for discernment? Part 2

By Elizabeth Prata Part 1 here: Why are there so many false pastors? In these biblically illiterate days, many people focus their anger on the person calling out false teachers. They become angry with those who are warning against false doctrines or movements. Discernment is important! But, is there a scriptural basis for discernment activity, such… Continue reading Is there a scriptural basis for discernment? Part 2

Foolish Wisdom – 1 Corinthians 1:25

The record of the Gospel of Mark reveals all disgraced and insulting stories of Jesus’ crucifixion. No human would ever come to feel the same humiliation and unfairness as Jesus at the cross in one’s life. Jesus certainly had the power or authority to free himself from those who insulted him and save himself instantly… Continue reading Foolish Wisdom – 1 Corinthians 1:25

The Courage to Start Back at One

PRESS ON! Every year between summer and fall, there comes a moment where I sense something in the wind prompting me to begin what I am calling my “human hibernation”. It tells me to get my affairs in order, reinforce my spiritual foundations, be about my business, prepare mentally, physically, even emotionally for a lean… Continue reading The Courage to Start Back at One

The Study of Ecclesiastes

Today, we continue our journey through the Bible with today’s study of Ecclesiastes. May God show us what He wants us to learn?  “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 As we study the Bible alone or… Continue reading The Study of Ecclesiastes

Introducing: Correct-A-Meme

By Elizabeth Prata I’ll do an occasional entry in this new series, looking at memes and where they take our mind from Jesus and put it on wrong tracks. Where does false doctrine happen? The Bible warns us repeatedly to make sure we are absorbing healthy doctrine and not taking in any polluted doctrine. Our… Continue reading Introducing: Correct-A-Meme

It’s Time for Inventory: Taking Stock of Wisdom

What’s on your list of priorities for today? It’s a wise practice to inventory your life every so often to make sure that priorities haven’t gotten disordered: to look at money spent, time invested, and activities undertaken to assess where your true priorities lie. We all know that it’s far too easy for items that… Continue reading It’s Time for Inventory: Taking Stock of Wisdom

A Study of Colossians 1:5b-9

A Study of Colossians 1:5b-9. Today’s study includes returning to the fundamentals, hearing and responding to the Gospel message, the importance of prayer, God’s will, and spiritual wisdom and understanding. A Study of Colossians 1:5b-9 Returning to the Fundamentals V.5b You have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel… Every sport involves teaching the fundamentals. They… Continue reading A Study of Colossians 1:5b-9