“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” Ephesians 5:1 ESV
Almost everybody tells us to be the “best version” of ourselves in our world today. Sadly, we follow this advice to heart, regardless of whether it would be pleasing to the Lord or not. We do not see this advice as a trap of the enemy. However, the Word of God tells us otherwise. It says in the Bible to imitate God. To “imitate” means to “reflect.” But it doesn’t stop there. It also says “as beloved children.”
While growing up, you might have followed certain traits from your parents or guardians. Because you see, children are known to be great imitators. So when the Scripture says that we must be a reflection of God as His children, we are called to act like it. To be called His child is the most incredible privilege of all. But we often forget that it is not a title, a trophy, or a finish line. Instead, it is a lifelong responsibility that we must fulfill.
As His children, we have our identity in Him— our identity isn’t tied down to what we can do and cannot do. Our identity is not who our parents are or how they have influenced us. To be His child means that long before we can make names for ourselves, we are His first and foremost children.
God is more than just an example of who we should be or how we should act, but instead, He is THE only example we should strive to be. He is the standard. Not to some influencers we’ve seen online, or some celebrities we’ve watched on tv, and even not to some church pastors. Otherwise, we’ll end up being disappointed, self-entitled, and discontented.
You must understand that to be a great reflection of Him is to serve your sole purpose in life. Today, realize that you may be uniquely created, but you are never called to look like the world. You have to stand up, be a great ambassador of Christ, and not make an identity for yourself. Instead, strive to be a better and more accurate reflection of Him, not the “best” version of yourself. So choose to be more like Jesus today!