The Character of God: God does not have a specific name

The Character of God: God does not have a specific name

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Exodus 3 vs 14

And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.

  1. You cannot address God by one name nor pin a single name to him. Exodus 3:14 Archives - AtoZMom's BSF Blog
  2. No single name can explain what God can do or who He is.
  3. When Moses asked God what he should tell people about who sent him, God said to tell them, “I am”.
  4. “I am” is an open name. Depending on what you want God to do for you, you can add to the name.
  5. When God calls himself “I am, ” He says I am your deliverer, healer, maker, and helper.
  6. God is “I am” to you unlimited.

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Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Character of God: God does not have a specific name.

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