The Character of God: God honours vow
By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435
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And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on
- In Genesis 28:20, Jacob vows that if God should be with him on his journey, he will give God ten per cent of all his possessions.
- Over twenty-one years later, Jacob was working with his uncle and was being cheated by him.
- God appeared unto him and promised to protect him because of his vow.
- So, in Genesis 31:13, God appeared to Jacob and directed him to return to his father’s house.
- If you vow to God, your vow will speak for you in the future because God honours your vow.
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Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Character of God: God honours vow.