The Gift of Peace – Philippians 4:7

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:7

A lot of times we were put into a situation where our mind is being tested. When the waters are still, our minds are always like raging waters. We all want still water, especially in our minds, our lives, and even in our relationships. However, life can really throw a lot of things at us that we get to doubt all the constant things in our lives. So, because of all this, we get to doubt everything that will cause us restless hearts and doubtful minds.

Now, our verse today is reminding us that the peace of God will guard our hearts, and will secure our minds no matter what. During our stressful days, our relentless minds, and our doubtful hearts, our God is here to give us peace that passes all understanding. No matter how bad we are currently experiencing right now, we have God who can make our minds still and our hearts with peace. What is really great about this is that the peace that God can give us is a peace that we can receive during our chaotic moments.

Let us always put in our minds that our God is the God of peace. He is the God of peace, that also wants us to have peace. It is not just merely a peace that is the absence of war, but it is peace amidst our chaotic minds. Therefore, let us not be afraid to cling to the peace that God has promised to give us. It will guide us, and be our ground during our restless minds. We may experience still waters now, but a lot of people or maybe for the next few hours, we will be struggling and our minds are going to really suffer because of our anxiety, our doubts, and worries.

However, we must always be reminded by our verse today that God’s peace will guide our minds and our hearts. His peace can transcend all understanding that we won’t even understand why we will feel so calm and at peace during our hardest moments, but we must take heart and believe that this is the promise of God. Therefore, may we not forget to ask for His peace, we must not hesitate to ask God for His help and for His peace. Again, we all need peace, but let us realize that we can only find peace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After all, He is our peace, and He will guide us. These raging waters that are occupying our minds and hearts will be stilled by Christ just as how He literally calmed the storms.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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