The Language of the Forgiven

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave youEphesians 4:32

In this time of individualism, outrage and selfishness, we hope to see kindness arise. At some point, we have become critical of others that our words no longer encourage them. In a society of hurting and wounded, showing kindness to others brings healing, hope and love to the people around us. Sometimes, what people need is your kindness of having a listening ear, your kindness of sharing your resources, your time, your talents and simply, your friendship.

The world seriously needs kindness today. In a world of arising conflicts, may we as God’s children chooses to overcome evil with goodness that most of the time asked of us to be kind even to our enemies. God has been very vocal about kindness through the scriptures, to the point of showing kindness even to the person who betrays us. Kindness is the fruit we bear and the language of those who are forgiven by God. Forgiven people are kinder people. Today’s daily bread remind us of Christ’s forgiveness that we don’t deserve. The kindness of God did not even ask of any demand, it is a gift. May we for this reason be grateful and let this be sufficient reason for us to never forget to remain kind. Today, shed the light of Christ to others by showing God’s overflowing love in being kind.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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