The Lord Protects – Psalm 34:7

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” – Psalm 34:7

We need to understand that no matter what happens, our God is on our side. He will not let our foot slip, or He will not let us be harmed. We have to understand that He is always there for us and that He will protect us. After all, He is our God protector. Now, our verse today reminds us of that truth that the angel of the Lord encamps to those who fear Him, and the Lord will protect them. So, we must understand that our God is indeed our protector. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will always be there, and He will never fail us. 

A lot of things will make us doubt this. There will be a lot of forces in this world that will really make us doubt if God is protecting us or not. However, let us hold on to the truth God will really protect us. That is why He will send His angels to encamp around us and will protect us. God will definitely send His angels to guide us everywhere we go, and in our every in and out. The problem is, there are moments in our lives that sometimes we see that God is not there with us. We feel so alone, we feel left behind and sometimes we don’t feel the hands of God in our lives. 

Yet we have to remember the story about the footprints in the sand where the person thought that God left him during his hardest moments because he just saw one footprint on the sand, but in the end, he realized that it was not his footprints, but it was God’s. Thus, we must understand that during our hardest moments, we will think that God is not with us, then we have to consider that during our moments when we feel alone, God is actually carrying us. For what it’s worth, our comforts, our peace, and the blessings we have right now come from God. 

Therefore, we have to remember that our God is awesome. He is our protector, and He will really deliver us from all harm. To those people who fear the Lord, who revere Him as our Lord and Savior, He promises to protect us and to shield us from all harm. After all, He is our God, our Savior, our Creator, our Provider, and everything comes from here. All honor and glory belong to the Lord of lords, and the God of gods. May the Spirit of God fill us with His grace and mercy. Forever and ever. Amen.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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