The Names Of God In The Bible – Pursuing Intimacy With God

The Names of God In The Bible

In the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, someone’s name was important. Names had a significant meaning in the Bible. And names typically described the character of a person or some specific character traits.

There are many names of God in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. Below we will show the names of God and how each name describes a specific character trait of God. It is good to learn the names of God, as it will help to learn the great character traits of our Lord God.

Ultimately God has something even more important in mind for you than simply learning the names of God. Or reading about God and reading about God’s character traits. Ultimately God wants you to know Him in personal and real ways by experiencing Him in your life. For example, God wants you to learn and experience His great faithfulness by showing and revealing His perfect faithfulness to you in your life.

If you seek God He will reveal Himself to you in real and personal ways.

The Names Of God In The Bible

Some Names Of God And Their Meanings

Here are the names of God in the Bible and their meanings

Yahweh – I AM 

God has always existed and will always exist. You can always rely on God because He is your eternal source of strength.

Genesis 2:4Isaiah 40:3,101 Samuel 1:20Exodus 6:1-4Exodus 3:1-22


God is the Lord over all. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. God reigns forever. Therefore you will find safety in Him and Him alone.

Genesis 15:2Judges 6:15Malachi 1:6Deuteronomy 10:17Psalm 2:48:197:5136:3Isaiah 1:246:1Romans 10:9


The Lord your sanctifier. He forgives your sins and His Holy Spirit works in your life to become like He is: pure, loving and true.

Exodus 31:13Leviticus 20:8Ezekiel 37:28

The Names Of God In The Bible


The Lord my shepherd. He cares for you, the way a shepherd tends his sheep. He cares for you and leads you to still waters and green pastures.

Psalm 2380:195:7Isaiah 40:11Jeremiah 31:10Ezekiel 34:1223


The Lord who is present. He never leaves you, nor forsakes you. He is with you forever. Your best friend who never betrays you.

Ezekiel 48:35Genesis 28:15Ezekiel 48:35Psalm 23:446:1139:7-12Jeremiah 23:23-24Amos 5:14


The Lord our healer. “By His stripes were are healed” declares the Bible. Jesus Christ died to give you life. Not only was God the healer in the Old Testament, but Jesus Christ revealed the healing heart of God for all of us.

Exodus 15:26Exodus 15:262 Chronicles 7:14Psalm 6:241:4103:3147:3Isaiah 19:22, 30:36, 57:18-19Jeremiah 3:2217:1430:17

More Names Of God In The Bible


The Lord our righteousness. When we believe in Jesus Christ He becomes our righteousness. He forgives our sins and washes us with His blood.

Jeremiah 23:6Genesis 15:6Jeremiah 23:6Psalm 4:15:824:531:136:1071:1589:16


The Lord will provide. Jesus Christ said that Father cares for us and we never need to worry about provision. He is our source of life and all we need.

Genesis 22:13-14


The Lord our victory &  banner. The Lord gives us the victory in spiritual warfare. When the enemy comes the Lord raises a banner of His love over us and covers us. He wages war on our behalf and makes us more than conquerors in Jesus.

Exodus 17:15

The Names Of God In The Bible


The Lord is peace. Whenever there are storms in your life God is your shelter in the storm. He gives peace beyond understanding, even when circumstances are chaotic. He is our shelter and our shield.

Judges 6:24


The Lord of Hosts. The Bible mentions myriads of angels, who wage war against the armies of hell, who try to destroy mankind. Jesus Christ is the Lord of hosts, the Captain of the armies of heaven.

Isaiah 6:1-3, 1 Samuel 1:317:452 Samuel 6:27:26-271 Chronicles 11:9Haggai 1:5

In our next article we will continue to look at the names of God in the Bible and their meanings. And hopefully you will learn more about our great and wonderful God in real and personal ways.

Pursuing Intimacy With God

Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.

There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.

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