The Patience of Hope

(Photo: Unsplash)

While staying connected to my One Word Friend this past month, though without any specified direction, my new Friend spoke a Lent themed lesson into my heart. Introducing me to another friend well acquainted with previous cohorts Joy and Resilience, my One Word Friend took me on a journey through the Patience of Hope.

Always at work in a believer’s life, patience deepens through tribulation into a resolute determination through which Hope shines.

A robust four months into our journey, Hope lessons abound, speaking deeply into my life. I created a special page on my blog where all my Hope posts live, please take the time to acquaint yourself with the wonders of my journey with this magnificent word.

the character of patience

While we all desire more patience, we dread asking God for it.


Because as the Apostle Paul shares in Romans chapter five, suffering is the conduit through which God brings the character of patience.

“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

Romans 5:3-5

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potter's hands at work on pottery

Because the seasons where I most learned patience surely involved tribulation. At the same time, those seasons also moved me to seek more of God.

In the seeking, I saw His hand at work, which encouraged me to wait on Him, and in the waiting, I learned patience.

As suffering stretches on, patience develops into steadfast perseverance: birthing Hope, anchoring my character in a sure outcome orchestrated by God.

Paul reminds us in Romans 5:1-2, of our justification by faith, and the purchase of peace with God through Jesus Christ, which grants us access to God the Father by grace, filling us with Joy and Hope of our eternal future.

But he then argues in Romans 5:3-5 above those lavish gifts, we glory in suffering because of its perfect work of perseverance, building the character of Christ within us.

Then as a result of experiencing God’s work of sanctification in our lives, Hope shines out of darkness.

the patience of hope

Hope, while nothing more than a confident and Joyful expectation, anchors us to God in times of suffering.

Justified by faith, having received peace with God and access to God through grace, we need not fear suffering. But instead, through confident and Joyful expectation, Hope invites a patient resting in God’s sovereignty.

pottery water jar pouring into pottery bowl

Patience, over time, blooms into perseverance through experiencing God’s incredible faithfulness.

Which embeds itself in our hearts as unshakeable Hope.

A Hope which never disappoints because God, the Author and source of our Hope pours out His lavish love upon us always, but in unique ways in times of suffering.

Patience introduces us to hope

Through the Peace we have with God through Jesus Christ, and the access we have to our heavenly Father through lavish grace, we learn not only to bring our needs to the Throne of grace, but to rest there.

Resting in the Father’s Presence demonstrates patience; the confident knowing we have nothing to fear, for we are held.

It is in that place of patient rest we meet true Hope. The true Hope which never disappoints because it flows from the very heart of our Father through the Holy Spirit. Resting in our hearts as assurance of the fulfillment of all God’s promises.

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Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Patience of Hope.

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