“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.’” (Psalm 122:6)

Earlier this year, I walked through a hallowed spot deep below the surface of Jerusalem.
Our tour group trekked through the Western Wall Tunnel, a skinny passageway that skirts alongside the precisely-hewn stones of the outer wall of the old city. About halfway along our tunnel journey, we came upon a small room where we were instructed to walk quietly.
The cave-like chamber was occupied by women, engaged in solemn prayer—directly below the spot where the Holy of Holies (inside Solomon’s Temple, no longer in existence) would have been located. The Holy of Holies was where the Ark of the Covenant rested and was separated from the rest of the Temple by an ornately embroidered curtain.
We were told that women gather regularly in this room to pray for Jerusalem and the return of the Temple. They lift up their needs to God in this sacred place, so close to where Hebrew priests once prayed on behalf of their nation—God’s chosen people. There’s no doubt that today’s Israeli women pray for peace and the protection of their beautiful city and country.
Since that experience, two American women (also on my Israel trip) have committed with me to pray regularly for Israel, its peace, and the salvation of its people in the name of Jesus Christ. Our prayers have a renewed sense of urgency in light of current events involving the Gaza Strip.

At the same time, my church is launching its role as one of the designated collection sites for “Crates for Ukraine” project initiated by missionaries working in Ukraine through Mission to the World (MTW). The objective is to bring relief supplies directly to those in Ukraine who are suffering from the effects of the long-term war. Through this effort, the plight of the Ukrainian citizens is being kept in the forefront of our community mindset.1
For both situations, prayer is our very best weapon and contribution to Christians ministering in these countries.
Would you like to join me in praying for Israel and Ukraine? Here are some prayer points I’ve gleaned from several sources (including MTW and Larry Stamm Ministries2):

Ways to pray for Israel:
- That Hamas terrorists would be stopped, apprehended, and prevented from further attacks
- For release of Israelis who are held hostage, under siege, or wounded
- For families of hostages and missing loved ones, feeling hopeless and distraught; for those whose loved ones have been killed
- For God’s supernatural hedge of protection over all of Israel, including its young military forces
Ways to pray for Ukraine:
- That Russian leaders would withdraw from Ukraine and end their military invasion
- For the war-weary soldiers and civilians on the front lines; for those who have lost loved ones and endured war crimes
- For children who were forcibly removed and sent to Russia, to be restored to their families
- For donations to increase for “Crates for Ukraine” relief shipments and for them to arrive safely; for the Ukrainian churches aiding citizens
Pray for both countries:
- For divine wisdom, perseverance, and decisive action to be given to Israel’s and Ukraine’s leaders in every area
- For protection over humanitarian relief efforts, especially those led by Christian organizations3
- For Christ-followers to reach out in compassion to those in Israel and Ukraine who need to hear the good news about Jesus
- For Christ’s church to grow stronger and flourish in the midst of war—shining as a beacon of His light in the darkness
- For peace in both countries, led by the Prince of Peace and His Holy Spirit
As Christ-followers, around the world, we need to pray for these nations and for other Christians everywhere who are being persecuted and martyred for their faith in Jesus. May they, as He promised in the Beatitudes, rejoice and find happiness in persecution, knowing that their reward will be with Him in heaven (Matthew 5:11-12). Will you join me in prayer?
Lord Jesus, Savior of the World, have mercy on our brothers and sisters living in Ukraine and Israel. Let Your power be manifested in these situations, defeating evil and restoring peace to these lands and their people. Spread revival through Your Holy Spirit despite the darkness that surrounds current events. Keep me diligent in lifting these nations up to You, and show me how to be Your salt and light to others. In Your precious name and for Your glory, Amen.

1Mission to the World (MTW— https://www.mtw.org) is providing relief supplies through “Crates for Ukraine”—find out more about how to donate here: https://www.cratesforukraine.com
2The mission of Larry Stamm Ministries is to equip and inspire Christians to press on in fulfilling the Great Commission—Jesus’ command to go and share the good news with all the world. https://larrystamm.org
3Samaritan’s Purse is collecting funds and preparing to take medical aid to Israel, even as they have already done so in Ukraine—to donate, go here: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/article/disaster-response-team-deployed-to-israel/
For more on my experiences earlier this year in Israel, take a look at these blogs:
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Privileged Life: 13 Ways to Pray for Israel and Ukraine.