“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes andsells all that he has andbuys that field.” (Matthew 13:44)
If you’ve ever viewed “Antiques Roadshow,” “American Pickers,” and other television series of this ilk, you’ve watched ordinary people discover that commonplace items in their household are worth wads of money.
A vase holding rusty yard tools turns out to be a rare piece of ceramic art worth $50,000. A yard-sale find is identified as a collectible toy worth 25 times what the owners paid for it. Or, my personal favorite, an original signed copy of the Declaration of Independence is unveiled behind a worthless framed print.
Now why can’t my husband and I uncover great stuff like that in our attic or at garage sales?!?

When the value is revealed, the owners gasp with unbelief—all while I’m yelling at them from the couch, “Sell it!” Much of the time, they’re not listening to me. Instead, the folks modestly say they’ll keep their prized object in the family for sentimental reasons.

I get it. We keep lots of ordinary old items in our house because they belonged to a great-great-grandma or were gifted to us by a beloved friend. Some things have importance only because of their significance to the original owner or gift-giver.
Jesus explained the value of His kingdom in parables, likening it to a buried treasure in a field and to a remarkable pearl (Matthew 13:44-46). In both instances, the ones who found these treasures reacted in the same way—they went immediately to sell everything they had in order to claim these items as their own.
These were not transactions for profit. The treasure-finder and pearl merchant had no intentions of “flipping” their purchases. Instead, they recognized the significance of what was before them, worthy of discarding everything else they owned to make the exchange. They wanted to keep these treasures.
Do you have the same view of God’s kingdom? And what would it mean to own something that priceless?
The tendency in our wealthy country is to place more value on the things we have, or wish to have, than on serving God. We spend more money, time, and effort on gathering stuff in barns than on making sacrifices of obedience to God. We trade our role in God’s kingdom for the rubbish of this world.
What if, instead, we viewed His kingdom as a hidden treasure or pearl of great price? As something that has significance to us because of the “original owner” and because it was gifted to us? What would we be willing to sacrifice for it? Could you or I give up everything we own to claim it?

That was Jesus’ admonition to the rich young ruler who had great possessions. When the young man asked what he needed to do in order to have eternal life, Jesus answered him with the commandment to sell all that he had and give the proceeds to the poor. The beneficiaries in His directive were not only the poor but also the young man himself—to unfetter him from the entanglements of worldly wealth and its grip on him.
If you find yourself dreaming of a new wardrobe or car or fancy dinner, I’m in the same boat with you. I enjoy shopping, especially for food (it’s fun to keep the pantry well stocked when you’re married to a foodie, and I keep to-buy lists going all week).
But if you’re addicted to shopping for your next purchase or anxious to get noticed on TikTok, you need to think again. Isn’t God’s work more important? Isn’t worshipping Him our goal, not stuff or fame?
Our pastor Andy recently preached on this subject…here’s his list of things to give up if we want to be “authentic” Christians:
- Self-righteousness—pride in our own goodness
- Our favorite sins—things that keep us from embracing His goodness
- Love for comfort and ease—idolatry of a life without suffering
- Favor with the world—desire for approval from others
If Christ has found you, then you have found a great treasure beyond all measure. His love, grace, mercy, and kingdom work are far superior to anything we have ever desired or experienced on earth. His sacrifice on the cross deserves our reckless abandonment of petty things in return for His gift of eternal life.
As He admonished us in His Sermon on the Mount, we should pursue the eternal prizes awaiting us in heaven: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21).
Jesus is the real treasure in our hearts. Let’s keep seeking His kingdom together, to uncover the hidden riches found in His love. Start digging!
Lord Jesus, take it all—my desire for material things, my wish for approval, my grasp on power or control, my craving for comfort—and remind me of the privilege of following You. Help me to release my grip on the things of this earth and lighten their burdens. You, Jesus, are my true treasure. Shine the light of Your countenance upon me, to share Your joy and peace with me. In Your rich and precious name, Amen.
#antiquesroadshow #americanpickers #rarefind #buriedtreasure #hiddentreasure #secretriches
© Copyright 2023 Nancy C. Williams, Lightbourne Creative (text and photography)
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
To learn more about the grace of Jesus Christ, go to this page: https://lightbournecreative.com/good-news-for-you/
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Privileged Life: Looking for Hidden Treasure?.