The Privileged Life: Thankful for Second Chances

“You are God, ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness….” (Nehemiah 9:17b)

Golf has a delightful invention—the “mulligan.” 

When a golfer has hit a poor shot, typically from the tee box, the golfer can call for a mulligan, an opportunity to try the shot again without penalty. It’s used only in informal play, not in professional games. (The U.S. Golf Association offers several possible origins for the term, named after golfers who were known for their repeat shots.*)

As the world’s worst golfer, I like mulligans…lots of them. Since I only play occasionally and with very forgiving friends, I frequently take advantage of this informal rule during a game—even though golf tradition allows it only once per round.

Our son, Alex, at a forever-ago fall festival when he dressed as amateur golf champion Francis Ouimet from “The Greatest Game Ever Played” movie….

I like mulligans in everyday life, too. Pretty much every day, I bungle something with someone. After each bull-in-the-china-shop disaster I’ve created, I raise my hand and say, “I’d like to take a mulligan on that, please.”

Don’t you wish you could erase all your sins and mistakes, and then start over?

Well, you can’t. But Jesus can help you set things aright.

As pointed out in Lamentations 3:22-23, God’s mercies and compassions are new every morning. There they are—God’s gift of mulligans!

Every morning when we wake up, we face a new day. Perhaps we’re still reeling from the consequences of the previous day, but nonetheless it’s a new day we can face in the knowledge of God’s forgiveness. Great is His faithfulness, great is His encouragement to move forward with Him.

We need to practice this mindset with every failure. Every single one.

Made a bad swing back there when you grumbled at your spouse? Start over, asking God to forgive you, asking your spouse to forgive you, and speaking kind words to your mate today. 

Did you stumble and fall verbally in that job interview? Recognize it as a learning moment. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, for ideas to present yourself better at your next appointment. Ask Him for another opportunity. 

Was one of your friends injured when you made a hurtful comment that “sliced” off into the rough? Did you find yourself wandering in the weeds, wondering how you lost your self-control? Confess your sin, ask God’s forgiveness first, then go straight to your friend and look for ways you can get back into good graces.

You may not be able to fix what you’ve broken. But God’s forgiveness is endless…He pardons us every time we come to Him in repentance. What a blessing to know that He gives us endless second chances for His compassion! And, He frequently smooths over problem situations when we ask for His divine intervention and guidance.

As my husband advises me in golf, “keep your head down and your eyes on the ball” to play well. In other words, keep your focus on the Holy Spirit and listen for His direction. See where His hand will lead you.

Need a mulligan today? Let your call rise to our mighty, loving Father—the God of second chances. 

Lord, thank You for Your constant forgiveness of my failures and sins. You are a compassionate Friend who forgives me constantly through Your sacrificial gift of life in Your death on the cross. I ask You today for second chances to serve You and obey You in humility. How I love all of the blessings You have provided in Your grace! In Your name, Jesus, Amen.


© Copyright 2023 Nancy C. Williams, Lightbourne Creative (text and photography)Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

#greatestgameeverplayed #francisouimet #correctionshot #mulligan #secondchance #forgiveness

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Privileged Life: Thankful for Second Chances.

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