The Revealed Plans of God – Ephesians 1:9-10

“He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” – Ephesians 1:9-10

Before all things, we are united in Him. We are united in God with His Spirit for sin did not yet enter the earth. However, when sin entered the earth and infected all of us, there’s a great barrier between us and God.  We have not united with God anymore, instead, we are more united with sin and death. Yet, because of His grace and mercy, He has saved us and pardoned us from our sins through Jesus Christ. He came to earth to save each one of us and to proclaim His salvation to us. Through Him only we will have our eternal life. 

Now, all of these are not just in a snap of the fingers of God, or God instantly decided that He will save us. Instead, God has purposely planned all of this. He carefully planned and lovingly decided eons ago how He will save us from our wickedness and how He will unite us again in the future through Christ. God carefully planned the fulfillment of this, and to put effect this plan through Christ in His own perfect time. So, we really cannot say that God does not care for us. In fact, He cares for us and He loves us so much that the moment we succumb to the pit of sinfulness and death, He planned to save us from it. 

After all, He is indeed our Savior and through Him alone we can have our salvation. We can never redeem ourselves and we can never try to ask for any credit for our salvation because there’s nothing that we did that made us deserving of it. His salvation is only through His grace and this is indeed not because of our works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Now the plans of God are bound to Christ, so that the Son will put it into effect, and will fulfill the prophecy about how God will save the world through His Son. Thus, we are saved not because it is time for us to be saved or that we deserve it, but because of God’s perfect timing of God that He made known His perfect plan towards saving us through Christ. 

Therefore, in connection with this, the result of us being saved through Christ is that we will be united back to God. When we lived a life filled with sin and hate, that’s the barrier that’s been hindering us to experience the presence of God. Now, through Christ, that barrier is broken, and now we are united with Him through Christ that whenever we are, whatever we do, or wherever we are– we can talk to God and ask for His forgiveness. The salvation that was planned by God is by His plans, and to His mercy. It was not just to save us, but it is to unite us back to Him through Christ– this is the most wonderful plan that God has revealed to us.

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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