The Saving Grace of God – Romans 1:6

“And you also are among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.” – Romans 1:6

It is by far the most repeated message of the Bible that we are all saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. All nationalities, all genders, all races, and all kinds of people are all called to the saving faith in Christ. As long as we believe in His name, we are saved. Now, it may always be repeated in many ways, we need to be reminded almost every time that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus.

One thing is for sure, our salvation is not from ourselves, but it is the gift of God. If before, the nation of Israel is the chosen people, for the present time, we all belong to the chosen people if we believe in Christ. Although, the context before is that God will save the nation of Israel. Yet, since Christ came, His salvation is for everyone. As we remember many times in the Bible, Christ did not base His grace and mercy on the race people belong to. However, He gave everyone a chance and has allowed all of us to receive and accept His salvation. 

Now, after we reflect on what Christ has shown in the past, we must also apply this truth today. We must always remember three facts about our salvation. First, it is solely dependent on God. Our salvation comes from God and can only be found in God. There is nothing from us that can be said that our salvation is all because of our good works. We must really always put in our minds that this salvation will be ours only through Christ. Even if we say boldly that we believe in God, but we don’t even recognize that the Savior God has given to us as our Savior, then we are just shallowly believing. It is only by the grace of God through Christ that we will be saved. 

Second, salvation is for everyone. Jesus did not come to the world to pick the people He will save. He did not come to the world just so He will only save specific people or that He has a list. Jesus came to the world to save the world. We are all His people and whoever believes in Him will be saved. The salvation is indeed not for just a specific nation, or for a specific religion, but for everybody who believes in Him. 

Lastly, our salvation is a gift of God and it is always there waiting for us. Since it is for everybody, God will give us or has given us many opportunities to receive it. Indeed, no one can separate us from the love of God. However, we must always understand that as much as salvation is there for us, we can still always walk away from God. Thus, we must always be reminded and warned to focus our eyes on the cross. We must never try to walk away from God. Instead, we must always continue to depend on God even more. May we always remember that we are also called in the Lord Jesus Christ and that our salvation belongs to Him alone.

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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