The Spirit that Set Us Free

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17

The power of the Holy Spirit, not only that empowers us to be bold in sharing the gospel and to lead people to the goodness of God, but also, it gives us the power to overcome from condemnation and the accusations of the enemy into freedom in the refuge of God’s mercy and love. Freedom from the bondages that hunted and is still hunting us, for the scripture declares that the Lord is Spirit, dwelling in us, and where the spirit of the Lord, there is Freedom.

Today, remember the power that set you free. Let us remove all lies being thrown to us, especially lies coming from the enemy, who only desire to steal, kill and destroy God’s children. As you received the Holy Spirit, receive the Freedom that you need and live life with joy as we wait for the day of the Lord to come. With your freedom, be empowered to lead others to this freedom because God is good, who desires us all to be free.  Today, remember your freedom.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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