The story of Deborah: Examining the role of women in modern society

In the annals of biblical history, a remarkable figure’s story resonates through the ages. Her name is Deborah, a woman of immense wisdom, faith, and strength whose narrative unfolds in the Book of Judges.

Deborah’s story begins in a time of turmoil and uncertainty in the land of Canaan. The Israelites faced oppression and hardship at the hands of the Canaanite king, Jabin, and his ruthless commander, Sisera. Against this backdrop of adversity, Deborah emerges as a beacon of hope for her people.

What sets Deborah apart is not just her gender but her profound connection to the divine. She is a respected judge and a prophetess, receiving messages and guidance from God. Her presence inspires faith and trust among the Israelites. People seek her counsel at the “Palm of Deborah,” a place where she holds court beneath a mighty palm tree.

But Deborah is also a woman of action. When the time comes for decisive action against the Canaanite oppressors, she calls upon Barak, a military leader, to lead the Israelite forces into battle. 

Deborah’s unwavering faith and assurance in God’s plan embolden Barak. Together, they embark on a dangerous mission to free their people from tyranny.

As the story unfolds, we witness Deborah’s unwavering commitment to her people and unyielding trust in divine guidance. Her leadership and strategic insight proved crucial in the eventual victory over Sisera’s forces.

Deborah was a devoted warrior of worship. She drew inspiration and fortitude from her prayer, enabling her to wholeheartedly obey the Lord’s every command. Had Deborah chosen to limit herself in life, she would have missed out on the myriad experiences that positioned her to deliver the Israelites.

Deborah’s narrative is a testament to the enduring strength of character, faith, and leadership, transcending the boundaries of time and gender. Regardless of your circumstances, you can rise above adversity and profoundly impact the world when guided by faith and unwavering determination. 

Exploring the controversies of Deborah in contemporary times

Women protesting in the street. (Photo by Ipanemah Corella from Pexels)

In recent years, the story of Deborah in the Book of Judges (Chapters 4-5) has been invoked to support various positions regarding women’s roles in leadership, such as female presidents and pastors.

However, an analysis of the Biblical account reveals a different perspective. Deborah’s role should not be seen as a justification for modern feminism or egalitarianism but rather as a unique historical and prophetic occurrence.

Firstly, it’s essential to recognize that Barak, a man, was explicitly commanded by God to lead the army (Judges 4:6). This divine command emphasizes male leadership. Even if Barak initially hesitated, the fundamental order must be revised.

Secondly, Deborah’s involvement was primarily prophetic and did not entail leading in the traditional sense. She was a judge of disputes by divine revelation and not a military or civil leader. Disobeying her was seen as disobeying God.

Thirdly, the text indicates that Barak’s reluctance to lead and his need for Deborah’s moral support were viewed as a shame (Judges 4:8-9), not as a model to be emulated. This notion does not align with an egalitarian interpretation.

Fourthly, Deborah consistently encouraged Barak to assume his leadership role (Judges 4:10, 14, 15) and saw herself as “a mother in Israel” (Judges 5:7). This notion underlined male headship in both the military and government.

Fifthly, Deborah’s leadership was unique; it was prophetic and passive. It conveyed God’s messages rather than asserting her authority. This notion cannot be equated with contemporary leadership roles.

Lastly, the only function Deborah performed as a judge before the war was prophetic judgment and advice based on direct revelation. This stance does not have a direct parallel in modern times unless women claim to possess natural, inspired, and inerrant revelation.

God’s choice and calling of leaders

The assertion that God chose Deborah as the leader of Israel due to a lack of suitable male candidates finds no basis in Scripture. This argument neglects the example of Prophetess Huldah, whom God selected to advise King Josiah’s all-male delegation despite the availability of male prophets like Jeremiah and Zephaniah (2 Kings 22:11–20, 2 Chron. 34:14–33). 

During Deborah’s rule, male leaders existed in Israel, including noblemen, princes, and willing supporters who served under her authority (Judg. 5:13; Judg. 5:2–3, 9, 15).

Deborah’s selection by God demonstrates her unique role as a “mother in Israel,” serving as a matriarch in the community of God’s people alongside the male judges (Judg. 5:7). This indicates that God’s choice was not a result of a lack of suitable men but a deliberate decision to have a female counterpart among the judges.

Therefore, we should avoid questioning God’s choices and reasons because of our biases and prejudices. Furthermore, we must not obstruct godly and gifted women whom God calls into leadership roles today.

Deborah rebuked Barak for failing to lead.

Deborah didn’t mince words when she confronted Barak for his failure to assume leadership. She expressed her willingness to accompany him into battle but clarified that he wouldn’t receive glory from this mission.

Barak, who collaborated with Deborah, is also recognized as a faith hero in Hebrews 11:32–33. His reliance on Deborah was not necessarily a sign of weakness but possibly a demonstration of his trust in God. Regardless of the presence of male leaders, God chose Deborah, emphasizing her unique and essential role in Israel’s history.

Deborah’s story aligns with a broader biblical context where women like Miriam, Anna, and Huldah also played prophetic roles without challenging the principle of male headship.

Deborah’s experience underscores that God employs individuals, regardless of gender, to fulfill His purposes, but not all are called to be prophets. While the Bible restricts women from formal authoritative teaching roles over men, it highlights instances where women positively influenced men, such as Rahab and Abigail.

Empowering women in modern society

Women behind a desk. (Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels) 

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:28

In the book of Galatians, the phrase “male and female” addresses issues of equality and unity within the Christian faith.

In the cultural and religious context of Paul’s time, there were often significant gender distinctions and roles assigned to men and women. However, Paul emphasizes that in the spiritual realm, all male or female believers have equal access to God’s grace and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Deborah’s story offers several invaluable lessons for contemporary society. It challenges traditional gender roles and expectations, reminding us that leadership knows no gender. Courage, wisdom, and resilience were the hallmarks of her leadership, qualities that continue to be relevant and essential in today’s world.

Deborah’s legacy is not confined to the pages of history. In the modern era, we have seen remarkable women leaders who have shattered the glass ceiling and paved the way for future generations. Figures like Malala Yousafzai, Angela Merkel, and Kamala Harris have demonstrated that women can excel in politics, business, and diplomacy, just as Deborah did in her time.

Despite the progress made in recent decades, gender inequality persists in many aspects of our lives. Women continue to face barriers in politics, business, and countless other fields.

It is also disheartening that a multitude of women around the world are relegated as second-class citizens or individuals. Driven by culture, religion, or tradition, they are denied basic liberties like having an education or work opportunities.

The inherent leadership of man

1 Corinthians 11:3. (Bible verse image from Bible Portal)

“But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” – 1 Corinthians 11:3

Deborah is not a figurehead for feminists. Instead, she aligns with the biblical principle of male leadership in family, church, and particular institutions. It serves as a critique of modern feminism, egalitarianism, and certain strains of complementarianism. Deborah’s role involved supporting and fortifying the man God chose, akin to numerous other virtuous women throughout history.

The concept of man’s inherent leadership and authority is rooted in specific biblical passages suggesting a hierarchical role for men in various spheres of life. This stance is particularly stressed within religious and familial contexts.

One pivotal text that underpins this interpretation is the creation narrative. In Genesis 2:7-23, God creates Adam, the first man, before forming Eve from Adam’s rib. This order of creation has been construed as indicating that man has a foundational or primary role in God’s divine plan.

Within the context of marriage, Ephesians 5:22-33 and Colossians 3:18-19 are often cited to reinforce male authority. These verses instruct wives to submit to their husbands, while husbands are to love and lead their wives. This Scriptural basis has been employed to support a hierarchical view of marriage where the husband holds a leadership role.

In ecclesiastical settings, certain Christian denominations restrict women from occupying specific leadership roles within the church. Passages such as 1 Timothy 2:11-12 are invoked to advocate for male-only leadership positions. They argue that women should not teach or have authority over men.

It’s worth acknowledging that many prominent figures in the Bible, including prophets, kings, and leaders, were men. Abraham, Moses, and David, are often held up as exemplars of leadership and authority.

The 12 apostles were all men who played a central role in spreading the message of Christianity. Additionally, Jesus Christ is recognized as God and man in the flesh. These figures contribute to the perception of male leadership as a biblical norm. The Bible is clear that the head of the wife, family, or church congregation must be a man.

There is nothing inherently wrong with having women serve as presidents or leaders in private or public organizations or institutions. However, it is essential to note that within the family, the female president recognizes and respects the spiritual authority of her husband. 

In this context, the husband’s role does not extend to the affairs of the state. Instead, he is primarily focused on the spiritual and overall stewardship of his spouse and family.

Similarly, there is nothing objectionable about having a female pastor or leader as long as she operates under the supervision of a male senior pastor. The Church, often referred to as the Bride of Christ, was initially pioneered by Peter and the leadership of male apostles and disciples.

God designed men and women to join together to propagate humanity and bring salvation. This partnership is a fundamental aspect of God’s plan, spanning from ancient history to the present day.

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The story of Deborah: Examining the role of women in modern society.

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