By Elizabeth Prata

I love to read the Puritans. Darrell Harrison, Dean of Digital Platforms at Grace To You Media, recommended this book, so I took a look.
It’s The Wiles of Satan, by the previously unheard of Puritan William Spurstowe. DB Harrison said:
“Of all the Puritan books I’ve read, I have to say this little gem, “The Wiles of Satan,” by the relatively unknown William Spurstowe, is among the best. @RHB_Books.“
RHB is Reformation Heritage Books. The Publisher is Digital Puritan Press. It was out of stock at RHB but Amazon had it by the same publisher. Here is the book blurb from Amazon:
“Like it or not, every Christian is engaged in a fierce and high-stakes battle with Satan. In this enlightening book, Puritan pastor William Spurstowe succinctly illustrates from 2 Corinthians 2:11 (“…lest Satan should get an advantage of us—for we are not ignorant of his devices”) his premise: that “Satan is full of devices, and studies arts of circumvention, by which he unweariedly seeks the irrecoverable ruin of the souls of men.” Spurstowe explains how Satan’s long experience and single-minded determination make him such a formidable adversary. He then proceeds to methodically expose, explain, and disarm nearly two dozen common traps that Satan has used to ensnare every generation of the unwary. Finally, he prescribes ten helpful remedies or antidotes that can be used to counter even the most tempestuous temptation.”
“William Spurstowe (1605–1666) was a Presbyterian pastor and member of the Westminster Assembly; he served the Parliament of Richard Cromwell. Originally published in 1666, this classic treatise has been carefully prepared to benefit a new generation of Christian readers. Archaic language has been gently modernized, and dozens of helpful footnotes have been added to aid the reader. This edition includes a biographical preface, Scripture index, and review questions designed to guide group discussion or personal reflection.”
I had just written about demons the other day, since our elder is going through Matthew and we came to the Gadarene Demoniac passage. People are fascinated with satan and his unholy angels, AKA demons. The passage in Matthew 8 about the Gadarene demoniac is always astonishing when I read it. Our church elders are preaching through Matthew and we got to that passage in Matthew 8:28-34.
It’s interesting to study demons, but I offer two cautions: 1) many websites are also fascinated with the subject but tend to the sensational instead of the biblical, and 2) though it’s a biblical subject, satan would like nothing better than to ensnare you into a focus on him instead of on Jesus. Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus.
I enjoyed CS Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters“. I am not a fan of Lewis at all, and the only book I liked of his was Screwtape. THAT was a masterpiece, I thought. It recounts an elder demon teaching a younger one how to entice, harass, and otherwise tempt a targeted Christian. Lewis’ insight into temptation and the demonic realms was uncanny.
If you are interested in the subjects of Angelology and Demonology, Reformation Heritage Books has some for you.
–Angels: When Heaven Meets Earth by Tim Chester.
–Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons by RC Sproul.
–The Scripture Revelations Respecting Good & Evil Angels by Richard Whately. This is out of stock but it may come back into stock, or find it at another online bookseller.
-Also out of stock is What the Bible Teaches About Angels by Roger Ellsworth.
–Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective by Borgman & Ventura.
I offer these to you because RHB is a trusted resource. Anything on the topic of angels, demons, and spiritual warfare tends to draw a fringe crowd loaded with unbiblical notions and bad advice.
Anyway when I finish The Wiles of Satan I’ll let you know how it was. Meanwhile, keep reading! The Bible first, devotionals, and edifying books from solid authors.
Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Wiles of Satan: A Book Recommendation.