“He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.” – John 1:10
This verse is actually very sad. John opened his book with a very nice notion describing that this fallen world is visited by the most wonderful, awesome, powerful, gracious, and loving God. He mentioned in detail that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. That Word that dwelt amongst us is the same Word in the beginning who is with God when He made the heavens and the earth. So, as the Word came into the world, He is perfect. Jesus is perfect but still chose to dwell among us— sinful, wicked, and undeserving.
Now, the sad part of this chapter is our verse today and the verse after this. Although the world was made through Christ, the world did not recognize Him. It’s so sad to think that this world doesn’t even recognize its Savior and its Creator. Indeed, this is such a very sad truth. No matter how Jesus made so many miracles back then, how He was proving that He is the Son of God, people refused to believe Him. As people rejected Him, people were also pushing for His crucifixion. It was the fulfillment of the prophecy, but the fact that the people who welcomed Him, shouting Hosanna are the same people who shouted to crucify Him.
As we reflect on this verse, we cannot just look back on what happened before, but we must also see what we are doing in these present days. We are also rejecting Him and a lot of people have been mocking Christ. In fact, we can say that during this present generation, we are worse than the people before. We already know that truth, we already know the past, we have proof and we have been given a lot of ways that we will recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
However, we are still rejecting Christ. So, we really must reflect on all these things and start looking at the cross. Our God did not just come into the world for nothing, but He came, dwelt among us to save us from our sins. We did not even recognize Him, but He still chose to love us and save us. Now, as we believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we will also be hated by the world. As the world did not recognize Him, when we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior, the world will forget about us and will hate us too.
Therefore, let us always remember that the world will always hate what is righteous and good. May we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior even if the world will hate us and deny us. It is very hard to accept the fact that the world is indeed made through Christ but we don’t know Him. However, it is already good enough that we will open our hearts for Him. We will let God minister in us and give us the faith we need. All glory and honor still belong to our God alone. Now, and forevermore.