Things We Need To Do in the New Year

For many people, New Year’s is just another day off work. Others use this time to reflect on the past year and make new goals for the coming one. As a Christian, you can use the beginning of a new year as a reminder of your mission and the hope that lies ahead. What are your goals for the year? Is it to have more time reading the Word of God by doing daily bible reading and daily devotionals

Are you excited to enter the New Year of 2023, fully committed to the high calling of Christian living? Setting intentions for the coming year is a great way to demonstrate your dedication to glorifying God in your professional and personal endeavors, at home and in the church, and in your public and private witness. Here are some things you need to do as a follower of Christ in the New Year:

1. Pray more often

Prayer is your direct line to God and should be incorporated into your daily routine. Set aside some time every day to pray and seek God’s wisdom and strength. Some Christians have difficulty praying regularly, but if you’re one of them, you can get a head start by devoting just 15 minutes a day to prayer. You could pray first thing in the morning while working out and on the way to work. This is a small thing you can do that will draw you near God and improve the quality of your life. 

2. Spend time in the Word. 

Daily Bible reading is an excellent way to learn more about God’s will for your life and how you can best fulfill that will. Make it a habit to read at least one chapter from the Word of God every day and think about how you can put its lessons to use in your life. You can also try to join a bible study group, which will provide you with great community and accountability.

3. Live with Purpose.

As a follower of Christ, you can rest assured that God has a plan and a purpose for your life. Serving others and carrying out the Great Commission are two ways you can give life to this higher calling. To accomplish this, you need to arm yourself with God’s Word, which means you can’t skip out on your daily devotionals. Make it your goal to glorify the Lord in everything you do.

4. Leave Old Resentments Behind

For a fresh opening of the new year, it’s important to release any lingering animosity or regret from the previous one. The Word of God makes it abundantly clear that if you are a follower of Christ, you must forgive those who have oppressed you. Forgiveness releases you from the chains that have been holding you back and allows you to reach new heights. 


Making these resolutions for the New Year can strengthen your Christian faith and draw you closer to God. We highly suggest you adopt these four practices as you approach 2023. May God grant you the grace to accomplish His will for your life. The New Year is a great opportunity to make a commitment to your Christian faith, and Bible Portal is a great resource for doing just that.

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