Thirsty and Hungry for God – Psalm 107:9

“for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” – Psalm 107:9

We cannot deny the fact that most of the time we are thirsty. There’s really something we are looking for that we cannot find anything in this world. Nothing in this world can satisfy that thirst and hunger because first of all, it’s the hunger that this world despises. That hunger and thirst come from God and it is for God. We thirst and hunger for Him because that’s the only thing this world cannot give. As people who live in this dying, fallen, and the scarce world, we thirst for the Word of God. It has not been long that we reflected that men do not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. 

Now, we are again reminded with almost the same because we will learn that God puts this hunger and thirst inside us so we can understand that we need Him. Although we are sinners, God does not stop reminding us that we need Him and that alone is grace and love. He doesn’t have to do that because He doesn’t need us, He doesn’t need to do that because He is still God— omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. God won’t change without us, but because He is love and that He loves us so much, He will keep on reminding us that our salvation comes from Him. 

Thus, as we are loved by our God who made the heavens and the earth, we are always given this hunger and thirst for Him so that we will seek Him. As we seek Him, we will not just find Him, but He will also truly satisfy us who are thirsty and fill us who are hungry with good things. How wonderful it is to know that even if we are sinners, God chose to love us and to save us through Jesus Christ our Lord. As Christians, we must really understand that we are under grace, not by works. Everything we have right now is all part of the grace of God. Not from our own reward or merit, but from God alone. 

Therefore, as we reflect on our verse today, may we always put into our minds that as God promised to satisfy the thirsty and fill the hungry, He meant to fulfill all of these through Christ Jesus our Lord. Thus, we ought to seek God through Jesus Christ— through the Word incarnate. It is not impossible to seek God, for indeed He has given that thirst and hunger, He will make Himself known to us through His Word. So, let us come to Him, make Him satisfy our thirst, and fill us. Through Christ alone we can please the Father, so let us come into His presence having Jesus Christ in us all. May we always seek God and seek His fulfillment. Let us not doubt God nor His power, for it is all that we need.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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