To Rest in the Lord, Is To Experience True Joy

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

In abiding, relying in His strength, trusting by having faith in Him for the outcomes, seeking His will and the path to His heart, drawing near in His holy presence, we end up finding true, pure, and supernatural joy by just resting in His presence. The Lord, indeed, the author of life, is the life Himself. He makes known to us what it truly means to live, with such joy and contentment in our hearts, simply by resting in His presence. We find the peace and answers to our quests, we find the hope amidst uncertainties, we calm in the middle of a storm and patiently wait for Him Though our joy isn’t what the world defines what it is, rather our joy is supernatural and is spiritual.

When we find ourselves in a middle of mundane, take heart and be encouraged to regain your strength to endure by finding rest in the Lord. Let our hearts marvel in Him, let our tears be wiped by Him, and let our weaknesses be transformed by Him and let Him re-fill the empty come all over again.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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