True Intentions Revealed in Life’s NO’s

“Would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart.” Pslam 44:21

In the no’s of life that brings sorrow and grief can sometimes be a venue for revealing the truest intentions of our hearts.  In Job’s trials of life, he gave a chance on human wisdom through his friends and hearing their speculations and advises. Same goes with our lives, we sometimes through making decisions that we think are best for us, justified by us, we seek the yeses of things we thought will make us glad and joyful, only to realize that we are so eager because of purposes for self-glorification.

It is in that moment that God revealed to us the true condition of our hearts to draw us closer to him and to trust his ways. Instead of seeing ourselves as rejected and failing, maybe God also invites us to commit our plans to him, the things that we desire to him and in seasons of closed doors, allow him to dig deeper in our hearts that he may reveal to us the intentions within us.

One of the best things to do in experiencing a big no in life is to be still, reflect and ask the Lord wisdom and in humility, believe that his plans and purposes for our paths are far greater than ours, his ways are beyond our understanding and more importantly, through the NO’s, the Lord protect us from our own selves by letting us know the true condition and intentions of our hearts that may result to destruction or fall. In the end, it is the Lord that will lead us to what is best for us.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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