Trusting in God’s Higher Thoughts (Isaiah 55:8)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

The holy week reminded us of the redemptive plans of the Lord for humanity, from the prophecies to the fulfillment of the promise, the Lord Jesus Christ. A pivotal event in history that although sin and darkness seem perpetually repeating, in the end, God prevailed, out from the suffering of Christ, all in awe that the resurrection came after, that united us back to the Holy, Abba Father, and we are now His people.

Looking back, who would understand that despite Men’s sinfulness and faithlessness, the Lord called us back in mercy and grace. A love so unparalleled, difficult to understand. Indeed, His thoughts and ways are higher than us, and it is a comforting fact that God is sovereign, and our human understanding has limits yet with God, it is limitless. Therefore, in this we find rest in trusting the ways of the Lord. We may not understand how God moves, how the Lord intervenes in our situation, yet in His time, it will be revealed to us, and we will witness the glory of the almighty God who at the end, ultimately will reign.

Today, as we begin to look at the book of Isaiah, which revealed and declared  to us that God’s thoughts are higher than ours, may you find comfort and rest in the truth that the Lord is mighty, powerful and will still rule over. In our limited thinking capacity, in Him we  lay everything in faith that we trust a sovereign God.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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