Unboxing God: Created by the Author of All Things Beautiful

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. Pslam 139:13

In today’s daily bread, we reflect on the affirmation that the Lord created us, in His image and likeness, something that showed the loving kindness of God over us, that He even if He is sovereign and above all other creations, He chose to created us on His likeness. Not only that, the Lord desires the good for every creation, that includes you and I. The moment we walked from childhood to knowing the world in adulthood, the Lord called you, called you back to His arms for you are His child and not of this world. Yes, we have biological parents that bore us, but the Lord would like us to be aware that He is our true Father, including our parents who also need the love of our Heavenly Father.

God calling us back, for He is the source of all living things. Indeed He knit us in our mother’s womb, to be with Him, to walk with Him and to live under His holy presence. God gave us a clear understanding that we need Him, for we came from Him, that He even became our righteousness through Christ for we our own selves could not bear the burdens of this fallen world. God redeemed you, and is redeeming humanity that He made, to call us back and be with Him forever. As the Psalmist also in awe by writing this verse, indeed, how great it is to know that the God of the Universe, knit our bodies, washed our souls and called us child.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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