Unlimited: God Turns Evil Into Eventual Good
Oct 29, 2024 1339

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives (Genesis 50:20, NIV).
There is a wonderful significance in the fact that suffering always brings fruit. It always either makes us bitter or better. It either sours us or sanctifies us. Everything has two handles. Ultimate happiness depends on which handle we take hold of. Will our problems make us bitter or better?
In this life, suffering will always come; there is no way of dodging it. It is good to remember that constant sunshine makes a desert. It is people in prosperity that most easily lose Christ, not people in adversity. For every one person who gives up Christ under the pressures of pain, trouble and sorrow, there are a dozen that lose him because of success and wealth and ease.
God takes evil and turns it into good.
Throughout the Bible, the story is that God takes evil and turns it into good. At the Cross, glory comes out of apparent defeat and loss. Christ’s torn flesh becomes a glorified body. The crown of thorns becomes a crown of glory. The crucified malefactor becomes the redeemer of the world. Good Friday gives way to Resurrection Sunday, and the greatest tragedy the world has ever known becomes the glory of the world.
Right through the Bible you find that, under mystic alchemy of God, all the evil becomes good. “The mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.” – Des Ford (adapted)
Reflection: If it is true that “for every one person who gives up Christ under the pressures of pain, trouble, and sorrow, there are a dozen that lose him because of success and wealth and ease,” then which is the worse tragedy? What do you ask for when you pray?
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Unlimited: God Turns Evil Into Eventual Good | Good News Unlimited.