You feel weak, painful and insufficient? Preach the gospel!
Yes, I want to share the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone, and I dream of people listening to my words, receiving the truth and love of Christ in their hearts, being renewed in the image of our Lord, and becoming joyful witnesses of God’s grace to the world…
Yes, this is my dream, but I am too weak, I am not able to speak well, my physical appearance is not bright, I feel insecure, and others might laugh at me… maybe in the future, when I feel better, when I am stronger, healthier, brighter… but today?
Does this sound familiar to you?
What advice would you give to someone who is asking in this way, or what would you say to yourself if these thoughts and feelings appear within you?
Let us find the answer in the Bible.
Who were great witnesses and preachers of God’s grace?
Usually, not the strong, healthy, beautiful, successful, skilled persons.
This does not mean that God would not like us to be strong and beautiful – of course he wants this for us – but it happens easily that once I feel strong, I tend to rely on my own power and abilities, rather than on God’s grace.
Relying on my own power I cannot lead anyone to God, this happens only through the Holy Spirit, which is a spirit of humility. Being in weak condition can help me to develop the humble attitude, as I notice how much I depend on God’s grace and strength.
Being aware of my weakness, I have two choices: I can fall into despair, give up, be depressed and say to myself – I won’t achieve anything.
Or, I come before God, admit my weakness and ask for his grace and mercy, for his strength and power, and that he may use me for his great purpose.
We have the great example of Apostle Paul. According to the letters we read, we might think he was strong, eloquent, impressive, dominant. But if we look closely at his testimony about himself, we find that he was physically very weak, often sick, and not powerful in speech at all. “His letters are weighty and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing,“ some people said about Paul (2 Corinthians 10:10). And what did the Lord tell to Paul when he brought his pain and weakness before him? “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness“ (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Finding myself in weak condition, being aware of my insufficiency and complete dependency on God – this may lead me not to despair, but rather to humble submission to God, asking him for all I need to become a joyful and bright preacher of his good news to the world.
Wouldn’t God listen to such prayer?